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QUESTION: Marty, I have not seen you write about the Vikings. Did you take their rise and fall into consideration in your model? YC ANSWER: Of course. The monetary history of the Vikings is tied to England as well as global warming. The rise of the Vikings was due to global warming from a natural cyclical […]

Millionaires Migrate to USA

The United States of America is emerging as a top tax haven after beating Switzerland, the Cayman Islands, and Panama. You can have secrecy in the USA and states such as Delaware, Nevada, South Dakota, and Wyoming are now competing with each other to provide foreigners with the secrecy they need. However, many are now just […]

Communism vs. Left-Wing Beliefs

There are some left-wing people in Western Europe who argue that Communists are not represented in politics and this is somehow unfair. They do not understand that left-winged beliefs and communism are completely different. The left wing in the USA and Europe are really Socialists who champion gay rights and other social issues. In Russia […]

Market Talk – April 8th, 2016

A little bit of jawboning by the BOJ and we see a bounce off of the 107.60 level from yesterdays trading. A healthy 1% rebound in the JPY transpired into a 0.5% bounce in the Nikkei. Finance Minister Taro, said the government would take steps if they were required. With an additional bounce in late […]

Panama Papers Used for Political Purposes

Two members of France’s far-right leader Marine Le Pen’s entourage are being used to try to stop Le Pen from overturning Hollande. This is similar to what they are trying to do to Putin. According to the Panama Papers, two members of Le Pen’s entourage allegedly moved hundreds of thousands of euros by way of […]

Cologne Police Ordered to Remove the Word “RAPE” From Reports After New Year’s Eve Attack

The Independent has reported that the police in Cologne, Germany, who were investigating the New Year’s Eve Muslim refugee attack were told to remove the word “rape” from all reports. The initial reported stated that incidents of “rape, sexual harassment, thefts, committed by a large group of foreign people” occurred on the night of the attack. […]

Has the USA Ever Paid off its Debt?

Some people were surprised that I wrote that the USA paid off its debt under Andrew Jackson. What you have to understand is that the debt was effectively a deal between Jefferson and Hamilton. Jefferson forced an agreement that debt had to be paid off and the capitol would be put next to Virginia which became Washington, […]

“The Forecaster” Runs on Greek TV

  Greek TV The fact that this movie is appearing on national television in Europe and even in Canada, but not the United States, demonstrates how there really is no free media. Even Jeff Deist of Mises Institute wrote:  “Martin Armstrong is one of the most famous economic forecasters alive, but you wouldn’t know it after […]

ECB Losing Control

In Naples, Italy, riots against Prime Minister Matteo Renzi resulted in clashes between police and demonstrators.  Italy’s government had to address the plight of Italian banks which now seems to be significant as both houses of parliament voted to create a state fund for bad loans. On Tuesday, the government announced that they planned to fund the money […]

Market Talk – April 6th, 2016

It really felt like a day of two-halves today after a lack-lustre Asian session and a weak European morning. The Nikkei was again a talking point (or at least the JPY was) but Shanghai too saw a bit of volatility as we flirted toward the 3k level early afternoon only to recover by the close. […]