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Market Talk – April 5, 2016

Oil was blamed for the majority of today’s equity weakness but there was no new news and the reason was a little baffling! The Nikkei broke the 16k level and then fell another 300 points quite sharply. In late US trading, it lost an additional 150 points and is currently trading around the 15,500 level. […]

Market Talk – April 1, 2016

Extremely poor data in Japan (Tankan est -0.7% actual -0.9% Previous +10.8) weighed heavily on stocks closing the Nikkei 3.55% lower and not a great start for the second quarter. Despite the better than expected Chinese Manufacturing report (49.7 versus an estimate of 48.2) it was not enough to turn sentiment around in Asia. It […]

Markets in Review for the Close of Q1 2016

When you have a consistent system that is running on absolutely everything around the world, you can simply look at it dispassionately and judge everything by the same standards. In gold, euro, Canadian dollar, DAX, and many other markets, we generally moved to weekly, monthly and/or quarterly reversals and then stopped shy of electing them. This typically reflects […]

The Other Side of 2015.75

QUESTION: Marty; I attended your WEC in Princeton. It was really amazing. The year before you had pre-conference training session. That might be a good idea to bring back for this year. On another note, Trump seems to be just self-destructing and Cruz has effectively said the Republican Party is over for he will not […]

Market Talk – March 30, 2016

Asia followed the bullish tone provided by the Federal Reserve with a gap higher opening of around 1%. Mainland China and Hang Seng managed to build upon this enthusiasm, eventually closing up almost 2.5% each. The same could not be said of Japan when the Nikkei had problems holding the 17k psychological level. Tomorrow being […]

The Press & Establishment Accuse Farage & Trump of Racism

Those in power who have something to lose always follow the same pattern of attacks. They are using the very same tactics against Trump and Farage of portraying them as racists because both are against immigration — but they are really against the establishment. When I was in London, I bumped into the very same […]

Market Talk March 24th, 2016

The weak close in the US followed through into the open for Asia and we saw prices gap lower across the board. The Nikkei did attempt to break higher around lunch but was short-livid being dragged down by oil, yet again! Both Shanghai and Hang Seng closed around 1.5% lower as increased talk of US […]

NYSE Closed on Friday

Good Friday The NYSE will close on Friday November 25, 2016. CME Equity products, Interest Rates, FX, Grains, CME Europe, and Korea Exchange (KRX) will be closed on Friday.

Is Goldman Sachs Rigging U.S. Treasury Auctions?

Goldman Sachs is at the center of a probe into the rigging of U.S. Treasury Auctions, which was the same allegation that resulted in the Treasury shutting down Salomon Brothers in 1991. I wrote about this incident when Salomon was caught. The fact that such rigging in commodities markets was standard for decades was common knowledge. When […]

Market Talk — March 23, 2016

It is a sad state of affairs when, after a terrorist incident such as yesterday’s events in Belgium, how quickly the markets have accepted it and within a few hours priced out! This is both a reflection of what is becoming “a horrible accepted norm” and also the lack of market participants. Even though Asian […]