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The Movie and The Goal

The movie just played to sold-out venues in Croatia. I did some press interviews there and the tone of the questions is exactly different from the United States. It is sort of we know the US system is corrupt and protects the bankers, but do you feel comfortable being up front about it and are […]

Brussels Altering History to Train Children to Accept EU Integration

One of the most basic means of propaganda any government engages in has been to rewrite history. It has been probably the most dishonest and unethical manipulations of society that has often led to war. The EU is now manipulating children by altering history to reflect a United States of Europe by ignoring the historical […]

Crisis in Socialism or Capitalism

There is a debate going on that tries to paint the economic crashes as due to capitalism and we should all follow Marx and eliminate wealth handing 100% of all power to government. There are really a lot of people who think communism was correct and the problem is capitalism thanks to greedy bankers. To […]

Real Estate & The Business Cycle

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I live here in Fairfax County, VA. Wow! The government largesse almost feels like 2006 again. Real estate values have almost climbed back to 2005 levels. I cannot believe that people here are paying 600k for 15-year-old townhomes under high tension wires. I guess it is the low interest rates. Those units can […]

Julius Caesar Spirit Is Alive in Croatia?

Croatia is introducing a more direct stimulus plan. They will cancel the debts of the poor up to May 2015 if they do not exceed 4,550 euros and their monthly income does not exceed 325 euros. All claims for debt relief will be restricted to citizens who have no properties or other assets and their bank […]

Site is Being Moved Today

We have had a dramatic increase in traffic so much so the hosting company said we were bringing down their entire system. we are moving the site today to a scale-able server. We now how a huge readership in Russia that has suddenly surpassed even Europe as a whole and Asia is growing in leaps […]

And We Pay Politicians to Watch Porn?

Studies have shown that people in the SEC were busy watching porn while making the financial world safe – or to be specific, the bankers safe from the people. The same was uncovered in London administrations. Well now it has come out that the same pastime exists in Brussels. Nobody is ever punished in government […]

Global Warming v Environment

QUESTION: Martin Your writings have brought me from the global warming is a “fact” side back to the undecided. I understand the cycles you are speaking about but I still cannot understand how we dismiss the horrible effects man places on this world between emissions, plastic, garbage, knocking down entire rain Forrest’s fracking I’m mean […]

Great Lakes with Historical Record Ice

  The greatest scientific FRAUD of all time has been this Global Warming nonsense. But hey, they are great snake-oil salesmen who manage to get billions of dollars thrown at them to study what they will never admit are just natural weather patterns. This is is so damn cold, I think a few more months […]

The Curiosity of a Number

A lot of questions have come about the prophecy of Saint Malachy (1094 – 1148). Whether or not this is valid or made up when it was published in 1580 and attributed to him I do not know. My curiosity emerged from the number for the last Pope – 112. I stated that I discovered the ECM […]