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Details of the 2015 World Economic Conference

 Total Cost $2500 per seat This year’s conference will be really the culmination of years of work. We have been able over the years to see what is coming. Well now – it is here. This is the Big Bang. The bubble is in government, not the Private Sector. This is when it takes courage […]

ECB’s QE Program Implemented Without a Vote

I have stated time and time again, whenever a politician speaks, you have to listen to every word and read not just between the lines, you have to read between each letter. Mario Draghi said at the press conference, the majority was so clear that a vote was not necessary. That was an outright lie. Draghi […]

Big Bang is clearly in play – Dominoes Starting to Fall in Debt Markets

Just in case if you have not seen this, Big Bang is clearly in play. The dominoes are starting to fall! Obviously, bearish for the Euro broader-term, but will be interesting to see how the peripheral debt trades tomorrow. The ECB Press release emerged on a waiver of collateral regarding Greek Bonds. The Governing Council […]

Where Can We Flee to This Time?

One question a lot of people ask – where can we go this time? America was the place people fled to from Europe and the economic abuses. This is why the American people were such isolationists for World War I and II distinct and apart from its politicians. The politicians did everything to get Americans […]

Great Depression & the Correlation

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, I am reading Hoover’s memoirs to get a better handle on how he saw capital move during the Great Depression. I understand the Great Depression began its crash in October of 1929, affecting global markets for the next ten years. If this is not too much to ask of your time, […]

Australian Police Hiding in Woods to Catch Speeders

Australian police are really waging war against the public to raise money for government to fund their own salaries. They are Camouflaged hiding in the woods to catch speeders on the Geelong Ring Road. This is becoming a international sport – hunt down the people and shake-em down for whatever you can get. Nonetheless, nothing beats […]

Danger of Politically Correct Analysis

  The greatest danger we face is that far too often I am the only one saying something. Surely I cannot be the only person who comprehends the real trends. The danger we face is that those with experience on trading desks of fixed income and FX, see what I see, but cannot speak out. […]

ECB’s Is NOT Stimulating Economy – Its a Bank Bailout

The ECB’s monthly spending will include its existing programs to buy covered bonds and asset-backed securities. However, of the added purchases, Draghi said 12% will be debt issued by European Union institutions and agencies, and the rest will be government bonds – 88%. Given the problem that the banks use government bonds for reserves and […]

Our Sources in Germany – Isolate Greece

Our sources in Germany are revealing the silent strategy will be to virtually not recognize the Greek Premier Alexis Tsipras pretending nothing really took place. They are employing the Putin strategy to Greece – our way or no way. German Chancellor Angela Merkel will avoid being drawn into any direct confrontation with Tsipras pretending that the […]

The Coming Solution Conference – Live Stream

Governments are always causing the crisis – it is not the private sector. The S&L Crisis unfolded when they went around locking up bankers for losing money was just an example. First Congress created tax incentives with tax loophole to stimulate real estate in a one-size-fits-all manner as always. They created a boom in office […]