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Beware the Turning Point for Bonds – 2015.75

QUESTION: Marty Hi I attended your conference in Berlin which was a great insight into your works. However it still took me time to really understand what you have been writing as you foretold of what will happen with Gold. Whilst I took note I did not act and have had the best learning experience there […]

Greece – Is there a Solution?

The outstanding national debt of Greece according to EuroStat was almost 320 billion euros at the end of 2013. The question is how can this crisis be resolved? Merkel is tearing Europe apart and her ideas of austerity are in conflict with the very concept that governments borrow perpetually expanding their debt and never repay. […]

Greece Rejects More Loans

The decision by Greece’s anti-austerity government in Athens to refuse fresh EU-IMF loans has set economists guessing how long Greece’s meager finances can last. In all honesty, Greece may be the first government to question this entire insane system of borrowing money that nobody intends to pay back anyhow. At last someone is starting to […]

Spain – Mass Left Rally for Change & Debt Default

I have warned that when the economic crisis hits, the tree has been cut. However, it can just as easily fall to the left as it can to the right. Do we end up with FREEDOM or SERVITUDE? During 1933, Hitler came to power in Germany, Roosevelt in the USA, and Mao in China. Those who focus closely on […]

The Paradox of Inflation/Deflation

QUESTION:  Martin   You have really added dimensions to my thinking. Thank you very much. One thing that continues to puzzle me is how empire’s die and inflation/deflation. I get the part about the deflationary aspects of killing the economy via regulation and taxation. It is right in front of us every day. I get […]

German Bond Auction a Disaster – Little Bid

Greek elections have dealt a serious blow to the confidence behind the Euro. The press has been touting the “official” position put out by Brussels to stay in their good graces. But this policy has resulted in serious misconceptions and misleading the institutions who buy bonds over the cliff much as Japan did to its […]

Understanding what propels the World Economy is mandatory to comprehend its Demise

Banking has existed for a long time. The idea of debt dates back to the ancient world, as evidenced for example by ancient Mesopotamian clay tablets recording interest-bearing loans. Far too many people attribute our financial doom to fractional banking etc. They are actually taking the side of the bankers who want money to retain its […]

The FORECASTER will be shown at the Berlinale

Yes the film the FORECASTER will be shown at the European Film Festival Berlinale in February unlike that of Sundance in the USA. Why is the film getting a lot of attention outside the USA? Who knows. Perhaps it is political. Hard to say. But I would think it has more to do with the […]

Has Brussels Reached a Vespasian Moment?

  Upon the death of Nero (54-68AD), the Roman Empire was at a crossroads. The last member of the Julio-Claudian bloodline was dead. Many hoped for the return of the Republic. But the old Oligarchs had been mostly killed more than 72 years before. Otho and Vitellius sought to grab the throne. A third general […]

Comments From Greece

COMMENT: Hi Martin, I know you like the political views of Nigel Farage and I just wanted to say that Independent Greeks and Panos Kammenos -the participant in the new government in Greece- share the same thinking Keep talking the same way that you do. Best regards EK Hey Marty, I remember you once said that […]