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Gates – the Forecast

As I have said, it gives me no pleasure to have to target an individual. I personally feel it is unprofessional, but in this case, Gates has made this a personal vendetta to force the world to comply with his vision using undemocratic means creating a monopoly of the global healthcare system pretending to be […]

How to Stop Bill Gates – We Need Everyone to Write NOW!

  I have very good sources as most people know. Gates must be stopped by breaking up his monopoly on Health. How do we do that? You must get out your damn pen, get off your locked-downed but, and write to your Congress representative, Senator, and the White House. Why? Because they were bribed to […]

Market Talk – April 29, 2020

ASIA: India’s sovereign rating could come under pressure if its fiscal outlook deteriorates further as the government tries to steer the country through the coronavirus crisis, rating agency Fitch said on Tuesday. Fitch currently rates India at BBB-, with a stable outlook, but any downgrade would consign its sovereign debt to junk bond territory. The […]

Social Distancing – The Destroyer of Civilization?

Social distancing has been a form of psychological warfare that is as old as strategies for war — divide and conquer. Preventing people from commingling may yet prove to be the opposite of the great New York City Blackout of 1977 when electricity was turned off, affecting most of New York City on July 13–14, […]

Trump v Gates – Is Gates Winning to Overthrow Trump?

  This COVID-19 has undermined the economy in a way where we will not return back to normalcy. The Washington Post and the New York Times just take the opposite view of whatever Trump does without any consideration of what they are reporting. The Washington Post has targeted Gov. Brian Kemp of Georgia, calling his […]

The Cycle Behind COVID-19

I have reliable research I have not yet concluded but so far this COVID-19 could have been a human experiment. It appears to be like HIV insofar as it attacks the T cells and can penetrate them. These are the human cells that attack viruses. This is most likely why older patients are dying because […]

Why Cash Remains KING – Q&A

QUESTION #1: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I’ve been following your blog for quite a while, and have a Basic subscription to Socrates. Wish I could have been able to attend a WEC, but so far that’s not been possible. Also wish I understood everything in Socrates so much better, but my old brain isn’t what it used […]

The 2020-2022 Great Depression Coming to Neighborhood Near You!

Neiman Marcus Group is preparing to seek bankruptcy according to Reuters. I have warned that brick & motor stores are in trouble and this lockdown will ensure that people will not be returning to malls and restaurants as they did before. All of the major retail stores are facing credit downgrades. Forbes has warned many […]

Trump Opening America Again

  President Trump played a very smart move against the FAKE NEWS contingent. He outlined broad new federal guidelines for opening up the country that will put the onus on governors to decide how to restart the economies in their states amid mounting fallout from the coronavirus outbreak. The federal guidance doesn’t set a specific […]

Market Talk – April 16, 2020

ASIA: India identified 170 districts as hotspots including major metros – Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bengaluru, and Kolkata. The Ministry of Home Affairs has issued a set of guidelines that informs which services and practices are permitted in these areas during the next phase of lockdown which will continue till May 3, 2020. India has agreed […]