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Xi Jinping at DAVOS

  Chinese President Xi Jinping at Davos in Switzerland attended by video. He continued to defend globalization also referring to multilateralism and climate change. However, he never mentioned either Trump or Biden but he did criticize the US trade war with China. He did warn that any conflict between Beijing and Washington would be bad […]

Q is all Fake!

QUESTION #1: You do not think QAnon is real? JC QUESTION #2: Please Mr. Armstrong, the alternative media is going bazurk with all sorts of crazy talk! Now they claim the US is a Corporation that Trump dissolved last year, and Biden is now president over the District of Columbia, not over the US?!? C […]

The Confusion & the 180-Degree Turn

The market will come to a decision probably in Feb/March about just how crazy Biden will get. The greatest fear is they will pump up the numbers of COVID to justify a national lockdown following the WHO and Europe which is really all about crushing the economy for the purpose of Build Back Better green. […]

Market Talk – January 20, 2021

ASIA: Alibaba Group founder Jack Ma has made his first appearance since Chinese regulators cracked down on his business empire. The billionaire met 100 rural teachers in China via a video meeting on Wednesday, according to local government media. The Chinese government slapped sanctions on former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, former National Security Adviser […]

Market Talk – January 19, 2021

ASIA: China’s economy grew at the slowest pace in more than four decades last year, official figures show but remains on course to be the only major economy to have expanded in 2020. The economy grew 2.3% last year, despite Covid-19 shutdowns causing output to slump in early 2020. China’s mainland share markets as well […]

The Danger of Political Civil Unrest This Week

The Kent University State Massacre took place on May 4th, 1970. It was the killing of four students and the wounding of nine others who were all unarmed students by the Ohio National Guard. I certainly hope there is no violence this week. The National Guard after Kent State was never again to appear with […]

Pelosi’s Laptop & Conspiracy Theories

  Look, the siege of the Capital was clearly a staged event. They allowed people in because there were other operatives there as well. Here is a video of men in hoodies who the people thought were Antifa running out of the building. They at least responded that they were NOT Antifa. It is believed […]

Is God Dead?

COMMENT: Marty, Happy New Year and thanks for your work. It appears to me that climate change has gone past the point of no return with the Fed now targeting climate change. Do you think that an alternate analysis will ever take hold? I don’t think that severe cooling at this point will change any minds. […]

Countries who take the Hydroxychloroquine or Chloroquine Have Lowest Cases of COVID!

COMMENT: Dear Martin Armstrong It seems to me that if a country has Malaria problems it apparently also has a very low number of Covid19 cases. I think the explanation is Hydroxychloroquine or Chloroquine which are used as a prophylactic. Can any such link be found in all your statistics? Thank you very much for […]

Is a 3rd Party Inevitable?

  Not one major news outlet carried Trump’s address on the fraud in the election. Every outlet swears there is no evidence of fraud as if they are even believable anymore. Trump expanded the base for the Republicans which included African Americans who saw through the propaganda as did Hispanics. Trump proved that lowering taxes […]