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Interview: Trump Raid Deathblow to Democracy

Commentary from Greg Hunter: Last month, legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong said the time to prepare is now for the chaos that is coming in 2023.  The destabilization of America has been kicked into high gear early with the FBI raid on President Trump’s Florida home this week.  Armstrong explains, “This really […]

Sleepwalking into Our Own Demise

COMMENT: I was there on the staff of _____________ when you were on Capitol Hill. It was Dick Army who told you he could not support Bill Archer’s retail sales tax because when the Democrats gained power we would have a retail sales tax and an income tax. I found your piece on Europe sleepwalking […]

North Korea Asks to Join the War

The proxy war with Russia has strengthened the West’s enemies. North Korea is offering to send 100,000 soldiers – all volunteers – to fight alongside Russia. Despite being a small nation, North Korea boasts the fourth largest military in the world, with over 1.3 million active troops and 600,000 reservists. North Korea is attempting to […]

FBI Raids Trump’s Home – DOJ Planning Indictment – End of the USA As We Have Known It

The Democrats are desperate to win in November and they are taking the United States down the drain in order to forcefully impose their will, or should I say the Great Reset. On the approaching 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, The Democrats are toying with what will most likely end […]

Market Talk – August 4, 2022

ASIA: Growth in India’s dominant services sector slowed sharply in July, weighed down by high inflationary pressures and weaker demand, leading to a further decline in business expectations, a private survey showed. The S&P Global India Services purchasing managers’ index fell to 55.5 in July from 59.2 in June, the lowest since March and below […]

The Inequality of the World Economy

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have followed your comments on the future of inflation for the last five years at least since a friend attended your conference. I must say you have alone singlehandedly defeated every economic theory I have studied. Since the start of this pandemic in 2020, most prominent neoliberal economic voices warned of […]

Is Europe Sleepwalking into its Demise?

When the Allies crossed the border to invade Germany as WWII came to an end, the German population hung white sheets from the windows to signify their surrender. Just a few years before, the German people were told to celebrate the prospect of dominating Europe as retribution for the punishment they endured because of the […]

Will 2022 be the High in Temperatures?

QUESTION: I seem to recall that you said 2022 on your computer was a Directional change in temperature and a retest of the 1930s was likely. Could you elaborate on that again since we have high temperatures as your computer warned? RB ANSWER: I think you are referring to the study we did on New […]

The Solution to this Insanity

QUESTION: Hi Martin, thank you as always for your incisive explanations of what’s going on in the ever-roving mind’s eye of SOCRATES. In your July 24 interview with Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog, you started to explain that a form of “Great Reset” is necessary–because taxpayers’ $ has been spent hog-wild and wilder for 90 years, […]

China Banking Crisis & the Unsuspecting World

While authorities have accused a private financial group of misleading members of the public with promises of high-return wealth management products, what is not being said publicly is the fact that the rise in the dollar is a significant factor undermining emerging markets in which China participated. The Chinese government warned the provinces and private […]