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Merkel’s Refugee Nightmare

The prospect of Merkel winning reelection dwindles with each terrorist attack. This time refugee “youths” set a homeless person on fire in the Berlin underground station. They have been identified as refugees from Syria and Libya, police confirmed. They set a homeless person on fire as he slept in the train station Christmas Eve. It […]

The Future is Not as Dark As it Seems

I took this picture at the beach. At first glance, it is hard to tell if it is a sunrise or a sunset. For the record, it was a sunrise – the dawn of a new day. What we face can be disastrous but it also can be the dawn of a new era. Government […]

Obama is Deliberately Trying to Upset the Election that never Ends

White House press secretary Josh Earnest has made constant repeated jabs at president-elect Trump and his team during press briefings. He even went as far to say this week that Trump knowingly benefited from Russian hacking into computer systems of the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign. Unbelievable! Let’s put this in perspective. If […]

Erdogan Admits He is Engaging in War Against Syria

Erdogan has admitted that he is invading Syria to depose Assad’s government. We reported back on August 25th, 2016 that this was the most likely outcome of his invasion on August 24th. Indeed, August has been the time for starting war. Joe Biden went to Ankara last week on a mission to repair U.S.-Turkey relations, […]

World Health Correlations

COMMENT: Hello Martin, love your work, have learned so much, as an engineer and innovator, your work and perspectives have given me amazing sight and perspective to which I am very grateful. I diagnosed my son with a condition called MELAS, awful, and heart breaking, all the experts were wrong as usual and it was a […]

The Rising Civil Unrest in America is Highly Dangerous for the Future

  The American Revolution was inspired by one book entitled Common Sense by Thomas Paine. We even find British political tokens with the saying “END OF PAIN“, which was obviously a pun on his name. He was demonized by the British as the man who inspired the Revolution. According to this intense studies of the Continental Army […]

What India Did – Other Countries Will Do – BEWARE

This is the boldest move by any government in recent times. Both the old 500 Rs and 1000 Rs notes have been “probabilistically devalued” meaning that anyone holding large number of notes, the value just has been significantly lowered by approximately 10 to 20% overnight. If you now try to deposit the cash, the money […]

The Color Purple – Not the Movie but a Revolutionary Movement

USA Today showed this photo by Olivier Douliery, it portrayed the color purple as the very words handed to them by Clinton, Inc.: “Purple is the blend of red and blue. It’s one of three colors of the suffrage movement. And it has deep ties to Christianity.” Purple was the color of royalty. Nobody but the Roman […]

Gold Bugs Always Mislead the People

COMMENT: Marty, the gold bugs are at it again desperately trying to say you are wrong as always and just misrepresent whatever they can. They acknowledge you called for new highs in the Dow, but claim even that was not until 2013 when I read about your forecast back in 2011 in Barrons. They seem […]

Crude Oil – The Hidden Order Exposed

Crude rallied during October reaching the $52 level. Yet for the close, it crashed and burned on the last day to AVOID a buy signal at $49.35 level. We bounced off the first Downtrend Line, which now stands at $51.86 for November. This is what I mean about the hidden order within markets. This has […]