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Market Talk – March 10, 2021

ASIA: China’s new five-year plan, made public on Friday, called tech development a matter of national security, not just economic development, in a break from the previous plan. China is freeing up tens of billions of dollars for its tech industry to borrow. It is cataloging the sectors where the United States or others could […]

Market Talk – March 4, 2021

ASIA: The latest edition of the Heritage Foundation’s annual “Index of Economic Freedom,” which ranks countries of world’s freest economies, released Thursday, saw Hong Kong excluded from the list it once dominated because its policies are “controlled from Beijing, the agency reported. The news comes on the eve of China’s annual National People’s Congress, which […]

Market Talk – February 24, 2021

ASIA: New home prices in China grew at a faster pace in January, driven by red-hot demand in the country’s mega cities despite the government’s cooling measures. Average new home prices in 70 major cities increased 0.3% in January from a month earlier, versus a 0.1% gain in December, according to Reuters calculations based on […]

Market Talk – February 23, 2021

ASIA: The major Asian stock markets had a mixed day today: NIKKEI 225 closed Shanghai decreased 6.09 points or -0.17% to 3,636.36 Hang Seng increased 312.81 points or 1.03% to 30,632.64 ASX 200 increased 58.30 points or 0.86% to 6,839.20 Kospi decreased 9.66 points or -0.31% to 3,070.09 SENSEX increased 7.09 points or 0.01% to […]

Market Talk – February 19, 2021

ASIA: China may ban the export of rare-earth refining technology to countries or companies it deems as a threat to state security, according to a person familiar with the matter. While China has no plans to restrict shipments of rare earths to the US, it is keeping the plan in its back pocket should a […]

Super Mario – Trying to Prevent ITALEXIT (Italy Exiting EU)

G30_Reviving_and_Restructuring_the_Corporate_Sector_Post-Covid This is the translation of a French article source: a report from the G30 on the very guy who imposed Negative Interest Rates on the EU in 2014  which has destroyed the EU bond market and set in motion the debt crisis along with NEVER ENDING Quantitative Easing. I can confirm that he once […]

Canada Into 2022

The 2021 Canadian Report is now available. We have gone into the clever change in the law that Trudeau pulled off to allow him to cancel the currency at his discretion as of January 1, 2021. He did withdraw the legal tender status of various notes that are still out there. You can take them to the bank and deposit them in your account, but stripping them of legal tender status means nobody else is now required to honor that currency.
We have covered the political chaos, the debt, the separatist movements, energy, the agricultural crisis, the share market, the Canadian dollar, and gold in terms of Canadian dollars rather than in US dollars with arrays and reversals.

During these volatile times, explore the fate of Canada going into 2022 based on Martin Armstrong’s data-driven models. This report begins by discussing the political atmosphere influencing Canadian policies both domestically and internationally. Explore the future of energy as well as the outlook for crude oil, the Toronto Stock Exchange, Canadian dollar futures, and gold in terms of the Canadian dollar.

Federal Reserve & Conspiracy Theories

COMMENT: Hi AE….just an observation for you. Altho’ you have mentioned your disagreement with the points of view of such people as Ed Griffin (The Creature From J Island), Ron Paul (End The Fed), & Jeff Berwick (current best seller is Controlled Demo of The US), all of you are in agreement about the total […]

Mario Draghi – The Destroyer of the Euro – He’s Back!

As always, politicians, once they taste power, just cannot stay away. Mario Draghi, the guy who has destroyed Europe with his negative interest rates since 2014 which failed, is now courting to become the Prime Minister of Italy. He was born September 3rd, 1947, and is now 74 years old. Enough is never enough. They […]

Market Talk – January 27, 2021

ASIA: Profits at China’s industrial firms grew for the eighth straight month in December, suggesting a sustained recovery as the manufacturing sector rapidly emerged from its COVID-19 slump, Reuters reported. Profits surged 20.1% year-on-year in December to 707.11-billion-yuan ($109.40 billion), after rising 15.5% in November, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) data showed on Wednesday. […]