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Hoard of Athenian Owls

Athenian Owls – The 1st World Currency of the Ancient World 5th Century BC Athenian silver tetradrachms became the first recognized World Currency in Ancient times. These coins were imitated in surrounding regions because they were the recognized standard of value more so than the silver content itself. We are pleased to offer an extremely […]

Julian II – The Trump of Rome?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You seem to have studied history more than any professor I ever met. So I am directing this question to you. Did Rome have their Trump who tried to drain the swamp? Or was everyone just immersed in the swamp? LR ANSWER: History repeats because human nature never changes no matter how […]

Biblical Judaeo Widow Mites

Biblical Judaeo Widow Mites   We have less than 100 of the Judaean Æ Widow Mites available from a hoard, which we need to limit to one per customer. Many people complained that only attendees at the WEC were able to purchase these coins. These coins are only available to American buyers. It is just […]

Market Talk – March 15, 2019

Asia: At the conclusion of the annual National People’s Congress meeting, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said that Beijing is prepared to support a slowing economy by cutting reserve requirements and interest rates if needed. Followed by the good news, the Shanghai Composite index increased 31.07 points (+1.04%) to 3,022 this Friday. The rest of the […]

Market Talk – March 6, 2019

Asia: Another positive day for Chinese stocks. The Shanghai Composite added 47 points (1.54%) to 3101, the highest closing since June 7th 2018. The SENSEX increased 190 points (0.52%) to 36633, Hang Seng and ASX200 rose 76 points (0.26%) to 29,038 and 46.3 points (0.75%) to 6,246 respectfully. However, both the NIKKEI 225 and KOSPI […]

Climate Change Conspiracy to End Steel & Plastic Production

QUESTION: Are you aware that the climate change crowd is trying to force companies to expose the fact that whatever they produce is damaging the environment and investors should sell their shares to drive them into bankruptcy? PD ANSWER: Yes, the latest fashionable demand is to force companies to make “climate disclosures” that reflect their skewed […]

Walter Jones – An Important Politician Who Was One of the Good Guys

I wanted to write an obituary for a friend who I would go down to Capitol Hill to see — Walter Jones. He was a Republican but someone who would vote based upon what he believed was right and not simply because of party politics. Walter died and it was really a great loss. He […]

Al Gore’s Global Warming Deliberate Fraud to Increase Governmental Power

There is a serious question that no one wants to address. How did Al Gore create the global warming scare and earn hundreds of millions of dollars in the process? Before Al Gore, science was worried deeply about what we are experiencing today — global cooling. On April 28, 1975, Newsweek magazine published an article in which […]

Getting Old & Risking Unemployment Thanks to Socialism

The reality these days is that more than 50% of older workers are pushed out of their longtime jobs before they choose to retire. The major factor in this trend is their pension. Pensions are bankrupting both private and public sectors for the entire idea is showing impractical economic stress. Before FDR and the great New Deal, people […]

New Monetary Theory is Like Sleepwalking

QUESTION: Bernie Sanders was basing his whole economic proposal to just keep spending and make everything free. They seem to be teaching this in school now. This macroeconomic theory whereby a country’s spending is only constrained not by revenue in taxes but by inflation when it creates a sovereign currency. It seems too good to […]