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Is a Slingshot Move Setting Up?

We have penetrated last year’s low in the cash S&P500, but not in the Dow yet. The Yearly Bearish does not come into play until we get to the bottom of the upward channel. Penetrating last year’s low is indeed setting the stage for the Slingshot. Everything on our models is clearly pointing to this […]

Market Talk — January 26, 2016

It was all too weary early this morning with Asian markets collapsing as oil prices hit session lows of $29.25 (WTI) and the Shanghai Index closed down 6.4%. News intraday that the PBOC had conducted its biggest daily open market operation in three years (360bn yuan) still could not turn the mood. The majority of […]

Elastic Money

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have not read anywhere else how the money created by the Fed you call elastic will evaporate when the bonds they bought mature. You seem to do much more in-depth research than anyone else who just spins conspiracy theories leaving one question what is real or not. Can you elaborate on […]

Market Talk — January 25, 2016

Asia’s response to the late U.S. rally in stocks was to play catch-up this morning with all core indices closing up around 1% (roughly where they opened). The ASX followed the surge in oil prices with a gain of almost 2%. Rumors around the market that the BOJ has furthered easing plans helped sentiment, so […]

They Had No Answers at Davos

COMMENT:  Hi Marty, Found this on Reuters website in an article entitled ‘Desperate in Davos: policymakers struggle for answers’. The most interesting part was this: ‘At a lunch entitled “The End of Political Consensus”, there was broad agreement that rising inequality, and the sense that elites were only looking out for themselves, was fuelling […]

Four Video Updates for WEC Attendees

On the WEC forum, there are four video updates on forecasting for the following key markets: Currencies: Euro, Pound, Yuan Commodities: Metals DOW, DAX, Nikkei, etc. Crude Oil Update

Germany Lost Track of 600,000 Refugees; Who Knows Where They Are Now

The German government has now admitted it cannot account for 600,000 of the 1.1 million migrants who arrived in the country last year. And people wonder why the borders are closing? Germany has become one giant mess; it is a transit stop, but for what purpose? Germany was not equipped to handle these refugees and this […]

Christine Lagarde's Term at IMF Ends in July

On Wednesday, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) began the selection process for its next managing director to replace Christine Lagarde whose term will expire in early July. She was actually nominated by Obama for they were personal friends. It was Lagarde who effectively began the worldwide assault on tax havens by threatening them with isolation […]

The Final Straw for Britain?

The Telegraph reported on a shocking new court ruling that may become the final straw that sends the British out of the EU. This ruling has begun the decline into chaos within Britain’s asylum system. This court ruling held that four Syrian migrants should immediately be brought to Britain from what is known as “The Jungle” […]

Why Pegs to the US$ Will Break

Speculation is, at last, starting to rise that the HK$/US$ peg could break. The all-powerful governments are suddenly being seen as no so powerful. The massive dollar rally that our model has been forecasting is rather straight-forward. The higher the US$ rises, the more deflation will be exported to economies that are out of sync […]