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Centralized v Localized Government

  The problem with the Euro has been the secret design to federalize Europe. It is one thing to create a central government for the major issues of international cooperation and defense and another when you try to create centralized control over everything. The demise of the USA is also in the cards because of […]

The Coming Mortgage Panic Set-Off By Swiss

During the 1980s, Australians were hit hard as banks had sold them mortgages in Swiss francs to save them on interest rates. The next shoe to fall is the Swiss Franc Mortgage Panic that will be part of 2015.75. Countless homeowners outside of Switzerland have been sold mortgages in Swiss francs. They will now see […]

Gold – The January Pop – On Schedule?

  Back in December, we warned that gold would produce a pop and that the main resistance was in the 1250-1275 level. We now need a closing ABOVE 1250.50 tomorrow to confirm a further advance is possible. This is part of the interconnections. This forecast for a pop in gold into January was not “opinion” […]

Opinion v Capital Flow Analysis

Over the past three years, I have received countless emails about how I am wrong and if it were not for me commodities would rise. These nasty comments are typical from someone who wishes to live in denial and pretend that their OPINION is correct and that the world is wrong – never them. My […]

We All Need Each Other – Impossibility of Manipulating the Invisible Hand

To those asking questions regarding our services, we hope to have the first access up by the end of the month. Others who have asked will the little guy be allowed to participate in the IPO? We will most likely have a pre-IPO for clients before it goes to the public. We are more interested […]

Core v Peripheral & Currency Illusion

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, Thanks for continuing your daily blogs. One by one the light goes on for your readers. Your currency illusion blog today really hit home when I compare a similar situation in my own case. In 1999 I bought a ski chalet in Canada for $X US dollars when the Canadian dollar was […]

So How Do We Ever Reach Political Reform?

QUESTION: okay Martin, So assuming Capitalism (property rights) and (direct) Democracy is the Promised Land, how the Hell do we get there? How do we break the Oligarchy? Cheers, em ANSWER: No matter what system we do create, it will be gamed eventually. If you look at Athens, pay attention closely to its history. Despite […]

Comment From France

Tomorrow Sunday in the City of Terror: The Three Little Pigs – Cameron, Merkel, Hollande – and other big supporters of the fanatics in Syria will participate in a march against fanaticism called Marche Républicaine from which they excluded Marine Le Pen who was willing to join them thereby excluding 25% of the population, in […]

Dow to Rise with Higher Interest Rates

  The Dow held our Weekly Bearish Reversal at 17722. We warned that “The main bank of support begins at the 16300 area. A weekly closing beneath 17722 will shift the market into a basing mode.” There appears to be in place a consolidation phase with the Dow churning back and forth until May. We […]

Religion – Segregation – Civil Unrest

In France, retaliation have unfolded with civil unrest striking back with attacks on three mosques. In another French city, a homemade bomb exploded in the vicinity of a mosque which destroyed the facade of a church. In Montrouge a police officer was killed by an unknown assailant. The terror attacks in France are warning that the downturn […]