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2015.75: The Start of Sovereign Debt Crisis

We warned that 2015.75 was the turning point to the start of BIG BANG. As we now have entered the down wave on the Economic Confidence Model, things will begin to heat up. I have warned that our current crisis in 2016 has been created by the total mismanagement of government by politicians. This year […]

If you Need a Reason to Sell Britain Try Cameron — the New Closet Marxist

Prime Minister David Cameron shows how politicians are really cross dressers. Just because he is the head of the Conservatives does not mean that he is conservative. Cameron told the press that he will raise everyone’s taxes UNLESS the government can just start seizing money from people’s bank accounts that they THINK they might owe. […]

World Real Estate Report

Our “World Real Estate Report” is now available for all clients. The report, priced at $400, is a combination of part I and II of the “Real Estate” reports, which are a combined 226 pages. This report provides an overview of the markets around the world with respect to real estate and the trends in […]

Market Talk — January 4, 2016

What a start to the New Year! Talk around the street voiced a few reasons for today’s stock market declines from geopolitical tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran to additional dealing costs associated to playing the markets. Discussions are apparently underway across the globe to address market orders, the way in which orders are placed, […]

Our Nemesis – Sovereign Debt Crisis

Nemesis & Justice in Pursuit QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I wanted to thank you for the conference in Berlin. It was my first time attending. I cannot wait for the DVD. You gave so much information, I think I will have to watch the DVD several times. I can see the debt crisis here in Europe […]

Our Nemesis – The Sovereign Debt Crisis

Nemesis & Justice in Pursuit QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I wanted to thank you for the conference in Berlin. It was my first time attending. I cannot wait for the DVD. You gave so much information, I think I will have to watch the DVD several times. I can see the debt crisis here in Europe […]

What are Human Rights? Do They Include Property & Class?

The real definition of a human right is a right that is believed to belong justifiably to every person. The United Nations defines Human Rights as: Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status. We are all […]

2017: The Year from Political Hell

QUESTION: Greetings Elections were always the same dates, why is it that we’ve only started discussing them in the last week? Regards, JCL ANSWER: It is not just the USA this time, it is France and Germany, plus the referendum vote on Britain leaving the EU. All of this will bring a lot of uncertainty to Europe which […]

2016: The BIG SHIFT

As we close 2015 and begin a new year, the markets generally closed flat to neutral with a warning that as we approach the political year from hell (2017) that this is by no means going to be a walk through the park. We are more likely than not going to see some trends conclude […]

Market Talk — December 30, 2015

Asia finished a mixed session with gains in Shanghai (+0.25%) and Japan (+0.27%), countered with a small decline in the HSI (-0.53%). For Japan, today was the last trading day for 2015 and returned a yearly gain of just over 9%. European core indices fell across the spectrum with losses for DAX (-1.08%), CAC (-0.52%), […]