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Head of Swiss Army Sees Rising Civil Unrest & Calls Upon the Country to Arm Itself

On Sunday, Swiss army chief André Blattmann warned directly to a Swiss newspaper that social unrest in Europe is rising. He warned that the increasing aggression in public discourse is becoming “dangerously aggressive” among Europeans. In general, tensions are rising and it presents a major political risk. He stated bluntly that “social unrest cannot be ruled out.”  Blattmann also […]

The Dow for Year-End — Will it All Just Go Nuts for 2017?

The Dow Jones Industrials still remains in a bullish posture on a broader perspective. The real critical support will lie at 16500 and the Panic Support is well below the market at 13100. Panic Support is the level, if breached intraday, where a Panic Crash unfolds. That is the real important level for 2016, but […]

Market Talk — December 28, 2015

Holiday volume and poor order flow was the name of the game today and can probably be expected for the rest of the run into New Year. In Asia, China’s Shanghai lost 2.5% whilst the Nikkei made a small gain of 0.56%. In European trade, the oil market was the topic of conversation as it […]

China to Stimulate by Cutting Taxes

China is demonstrating that it is more practical than anyone else in the industrialized world. They have announced that they will “reasonably” set limits on new local government debt in 2016. Finance Minister Lou Jiwei said at a work conference in Beijing on Monday that they will actually limit local debt; something nobody else does. China […]

The Only Hope to Save Britain?

Landlords are joining together to challenge the Conservative’s (i.e. Tory’s) tax hike by filing a suit in the high court against their tax increase on “buy-to-let” investment properties. One of the reasons I have stated that Maggie Thatcher herself would have broken away from the Conservatives and started her own third party is demonstrated by this […]

Rising Separatist Movement in Corsica & Riots Against Muslims

For the last several year, the youth in Corsica have been clashing with police in a separatist protest. This is the youth uprising — the lost generation that socialism has turned into economic slaves. Some 500 young people responded to the call for independence from France. This is a rapidly building movement, especially since the War Cycle […]

What Is Said Publicly & Privately Differ – Here Comes 2017

QUESTION: Marty, you know which bank I am at. You also know the Fed has been going around warning banks that their models are wrong and they will not see a flight to quality being the 30 year bonds. Yet Yellen seems to also say she does not believe in inevitable cycles. They are saying […]

Why is a Strong Dollar Bearish for the U.S. Economy Long-Term?

QUESTION: Martin, I’m curious to your comment “The greatest danger to America will be a strong dollar”.   Why is that?    I’m trying to take a global view of this statement but I can’t wrap my head around it.   It would seem that those in the United States would benefit  greatly from a stronger US dollar as the […]

Disease Is Cyclical — They Want to Claim It Is Global Warming to Raise Your Taxes

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, it appears that even dengue fever comes and goes according to your 51.6 year frequency. Does this 8.6 year cycle appear just in everything around us? ANSWER: It certainly appears to be so. The dengue fever outbreak in 2015 appears to be on a cyclical schedule. Dengue is one of 17 illnesses listed as “neglected tropical diseases” by […]

Socrates Inquiry to be Added in 2016

  In 2016, we will add additional features to the Socrates platform. At first, the questions will be limited to specific markets. Above is an example concerning the dollar/euro. We will also feature correlation access. For example, you can ask what markets will turn on Wednesday this week or what is the major monthly turning […]