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Le Pen Vows: “Nothing Can Stop Us”

Marine Le Pen and her Front National (FN) Party did not win the Sunday elections. She replied: “Nothing can stop us.” Indeed, the cyclical trend in politics will turn ever more nationalistic as the EU continues to crumble from within. Le Pen will grow in force as the perception of a complete system failure by Brussels in […]

Subjective Analysis

QUESTION: Marty, it has become obvious that the analysts who try to attack you personally are the very people who hurt so many for they forecast only on opinion. They are often wrong and never see the big picture. One even claimed to have read all your transcripts and said you committed fraud yet could not […]

Le Pen should Beat the Socialists & Conservatives in Presidential Election

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, it was a pleasure to meet you here in Paris. You said that Le Pen should beat both the socialists and conservatives. Is this what your computer has forecast or was this your opinion? PC ANSWER: Our computer projects that Le Pen will beat the socialists and conservatives. That may sound nuts, […]

Market Talk – December 14, 2015

A mixed session in Asia in what was very much an overhang from Friday’s session but also very weary of the Fed in two days time. It is interesting that European equities continue to trade heavy (DAX, CAC, FTSE -1.75%) into the Fed, despite Mario Draghi’s comment earlier this morning. There are rising concerns about […]

Politics: It's Not What You Think

  COMMENT: Dear Mr Armstrong,I just was looking at your blog entry about the Republican higher-ups choosing their candidate against the voters.I always tell people this story when something like that comes up. I was a Ron Paul supporter back the last time he was running. I lived in Massachusetts, a little north of Boston. […]

Market Talk – December 11, 2015

Asia managed a mixed session torn between the falling oil price and the Dow’s rally. Europe was very sure what should happen when oil was hit again this morning. WTI and Brent fell another 1.5% on the back of an earlier report from the IEA (International Energy Agency) and they are forecasting a slack in 2016 based […]

Market Talk – December 8, 2015

China’s trade surplus did not live up to expectations, and as a result, we saw weaker prices across all major Asian indices. Shanghai and HSI were both down around 1.5% whilst the Nikkei lost only 1%. The Nikkei did attempt to lead the pack when Q3 GDP saw a small recovery, but when the mood within […]

Money vs. Fiat

QUESTION: Why do you do not see that money must be backed by something tangible? ANSWER: That is an antiquated barter perspective; you are blind to reality. Your proposition is that only gold has value and you yourself are worthless. This idea of fiat money is just out of line with reality. The traditional definition […]

Socrates Investor Level for the General Non-Trader Public

The Investor level of Socrates is live by invitation only. Invitations can be requested at This is ONLY the Investor level for the average person without reversals and arrays, which will be provided in the Trader level beginning January 1. Here you have the choice of selecting a 30-day trial for $10 dollars, which […]

Market Talk – December 7, 2015

Asia saw a mixed session with prices marginally lower, but not too much to write home about. It was not until Europe opened that we started to see a pick-up in volatility that provided dealers with something to talk about. The oil and energies market provided the discussion point with TWI, Brent, and Nat-Gas all […]