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Ebola Returning?

COMMENT: Marty In your report on diseases you had mentioned that Ebola will initially fade but be back in full force in 2016 going into 2020 with devastating results. Looks like you are right again. Please see report from CNN about Ebola coming back to Liberia. Would Ebola be restricted to Africa or are […]

Market Talk – November 27, 2015

The spotlight was firmly on China today where the equity tumbled over 6%. News that market regulators are investigating suspected violation by some of the countries brokerages finance their clients stock purchases. Citic fell to its daily limit (-10%) before closing. Other non-financials also fell with notable Cathy Pacific, Petro-China and Sinopec were all down […]

Berlin World Economic Conference Begins Tomorrow

The 2015 Berlin World Economic Conference will begin tomorrow. Early Check In will be tonight. We will be looking at what makes this all tick and the forecast for when the markets will turn in commodities, phase transitions, debt, war, and the coming new monetary system among other topics. This is our 30th Year for […]

Did Japan make a Mistake or Did they Intentionally Cause a Crisis to avoid a 26 Year Depression?

COMMENT: Armstrong-san, in Japan there is a belief that the Japanese government instigated your case because you warned that the Postal Savings fund would require government funds to bail it out because they lost the people’s money trying to support the market. You also said the economy would decline for 26 years. Many viewed that […]

Population Decline in Industrial Countries Requires Immigration?

The United Nations projects that over the next 50 years, the population in the industrialized world (US-Europe-Japan) will DECLINE, not expand. The population is suffering from growing old and the youth are so burdened with taxes they are not getting married (marriages off by 50%) and are not having children. The decline in birth rates […]

Year-End Special Report

We will be sending out over the next two days ahead of the Berlin Conference the Special Year-end Report covering Currencies, Metals, Energy, Wheat, and major Share Markets with the Year-end Reversals to watch as we head into 2016. (Note: This is ONLY available for those attending the World Economic Conference) Currencies included: A$, C$. […]

The World Economy – A Balancing Act Soon to Collapse?

  COMMENT: Dear Martin, From reading your blog and other news I can conclude that the low interest rate has failed to increase the private business activities to the level that normally would require an increase in interest rates. The arguments now are to increase interest rates to save pensions funds and to be able […]

Is Turkey Trying to Distract the World From its Debt Crisis Shooting Down a Russian Plane?

There is something not quite right about this entire incident of Turkey shooting down the Russian fighter jet and then attacking the rescue helicopter. Sorry, but Turkey is way out of line when they KNEW that Russia had no intention of attacking Turkey. A argument that Turkey will defend its borders implies there is a […]

Market Talk – November 24th, 2015

The morning session in Asia was rather dull but all recovered in the afternoon into positive territory with the exception being Hang Seng (which was still down -0.3%). Europe drifted into the negative shortly after the open as news was still focused on the nervous Belgium shut-down. All trading was dull and in thin conditions […]

EU To Crack Down on BitCoin Claiming to Prevent Terrorism

European Union countries are of course using terrorism as the excuse to now crackdown on any virtual currency claiming that anonymous payments made online and via pre-paid cards “can” be used by terrorists without any proof they even know how to use such currencies. The EU is using terrorism to crackdown on taxes without admitting […]