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Market Talk – December 14, 2020

ASIA: Despite claims of an economic recovery, Chinese state-owned companies are defaulting on their debts. A string of missed debt repayments by major firms has shaken local as well as global markets. State firms defaulted on a record $6.1 billion worth of bonds between January and October, according to Fitch Ratings. That’s about as much […]

The Supreme Court’s Claim of Discretion is Unconstitutional

QUESTION: Do you think this is over for Trump? GH ANSWER: Yes. They need to go back to the Supreme Court and argue that the Judiciary Act of 1925 is UNCONSTITUTIONAL because it created discretion to hear cases when the Supreme Court is the ONLY court created by the Constitution. The Supreme Court made it […]

How the Supreme Court Doomed the US & the West

    I have been warning that those in Washington DO NOT like outsiders. Only 106 republicans out of 196 joined Texas demonstrating that behind the curtain, nearly 50% of republican politicians prefer Trump to leave because he is not one of them. The Supreme Court avoided ruling claiming Texas had no standing which is […]

Christmas in 1914 – Soldiers Defied Their Governments And Shared a Truce

  No matter what country we are from, we are all the same. Those in power make wars if not against each other than against “we the people” to further their power. Those who are against the people always pretend we are too stupid to understand what is best.  The definition of tyranny was once […]

Market Talk – November 19, 2020

ASIA: The Chinese government issued debt at a negative interest rate for the first time on Wednesday in a bond sale that attracted significant investor interest, according to Deutsche Bank (DB), one of the banks that helped arrange the transaction. Faced with ever lower interest rates at home, European investors snapped up the bulk of […]

Georgia Recount – Still a Fraud & Agenda 2030

    This is why there should be a computer program that people go online to vote and we eliminate this outrageous fraud because the public has no idea what they are doing to the country because the “agenda” was never told to the people. We call this democracy where people can run for election […]

Mass Urban Exodus

It is fascinating to me personally how our computer could forecast that real estate would be declining in the major urban centers and rising in the suburbs three years in advance, and then suddenly it unfolds far beyond what even I could have guessed years ago. The trend is significant, and it has been taking […]


  QUESTION #1:  Hello Mr Armstrong Here in Germany, many more doctors are rising up against this COVID  pandemic. They have written to Merkel, but she does not listen. I am starting to think you are right. She has been bribed. HC REPLY #1: This just makes no sense. She has put even the German […]

Market Talk – November 11, 2020

ASIA: China has proposed new regulations aimed at curbing the power of its biggest internet companies. The new rules could affect homegrown tech giants like Alibaba, Ant Group, and Tencent, as well as food delivery platform Meituan. Chinese tech shares were sharply lower after the proposed regulations were released on Tuesday. The ongoing India-China border […]

Cashless World Signals a Global End to Privacy

  Countries are moving to digital currencies at lightning speed. This is the future of money. Digital currencies will replace cash on an ASAP agenda. We are witnessing Europe, Canada, Asia, and even China all moving toward this new digital world for (1) total control, (2) taxes, (3) to track everyone and every transaction. We […]