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Climate Engineering: 40 Million in US West Without Water in 2023

Our models have been indicating a decline in both the food and water supply, which go hand-in-hand. Other analysts are coming out to warn that the inevitable cycle is underway. Climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington believes the cycle has been propelled forward by manmade forces. “The mainstream media and official sources are doing their best […]

Biden’s Hatred of Russia Predates Putin

  I do not understand why our world leaders are so intent on creating war. Here in 1997, Biden wants to admit the Baltics into NATO at any cost to create an internal violent reaction inside Russia. This is two years BEFORE Putin. It appears to be what I have said all along. In 1997, […]

Global Water Scarcity on Schedule

A new study by the University of Colorado Boulder published on “One Earth” cites water scarcity as the top threat to food security in the next 20 years. “Multiple events occurring at the same time compound the problem,” the study noted, citing droughts, floods, heat waves, pest outbreaks, diseases, and financial and political conflicts. Over […]

Coming Soon: Climate Change v Animal Activists

Two groups that usually overlap are about to come into direct confrontation due to the net-zero carbon culture. Both climate and animal rights activists have been known to make their voices heard through protests that are not always peaceful. Farmers are being unfairly targeted by climate change activists for having cattle that produce emissions, and […]

Russia to Cut off Germany from Gas Thanks to Zelensky

It is very interesting how Volodymyr Zelensky is doing whatever he can, not merely to destroy all of Europe, but to push the world into World War III because of his and Ukraine’s inherent hatred of Russians. He has told Justin Trudeau that Ukrainians would never accept Canada’s decision to return a gas turbine intended […]

The World in Chaos

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, it has become so apparent that sites like _____ always promote gold so they refuse ever to quote you for they are doing the very same thing of creating a cancel culture. It is their commentary or nothing else. I have stopped reading them. Then you said that your computer showed this […]

Former PM of Japan Assassinated

Japan’s former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been assassinated in a rare violent attack in Japan. He was shot while delivering a speech in Nara. He was pronounced dead at 5:03 p.m. local time at the hospital. The assassin was captured, Tetsuya Yamagami, 41, who may have served in the Maritime Self-Defense Force back in the […]

British Politics – Johnson Resigns Taking the Pound With Him

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You rather bluntly rejected meeting with our PM. It looks like you were correct. Will we now turn to Labour to kill the British pound? HJ ANSWER: Boris Johnson is a disgrace. I had heard that he was untrustworthy and I think he has tried to lie his way out of too […]

Dominion Voting Systems Linked to Soros

We already knew the system was rigged – but how far does it go? This picture, albeit poor quality, has been circulating the internet and shows traitor Trudeau “testing” the Dominion Voting System. Rebel News entered the building headquarters for Dominion Voting Systems. The investigative journalist found an odd link as a group linked directly […]

The Future – Post 2032 – A New Beginning?

QUESTION: Will you explain what Socrates foresees for after 2032 at this year’s WEC in November? I’m more concerned about my grandkids. A lot of people seem to be plagiarizing you these days. But all they have to offer is an opinion and we all have opinions. Socrates has been the only thing that has […]