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Shooting Down Civil Aircraft Is Not Unheard-of

A reader reminds us of Iranian Flight 655. Most American do not know about it for it never really made the press in the USA crushed by the government as one of those “favors”. Iran Air Flight 655 was an Iran Air civilian passenger flight from Tehran to Dubai that was shot down by the […]

The Press Keep Talking The Market Down – Historically this is Very Bullish Indeed

I have warned about how the press had constantly written negatively about the rising stock market during the 1920s.  Once again, the press are now hanging on the hope that the Fed will start to raise rates to justify their bearish bias swearing the market cannot be justified at these highs. However, I have shown […]

Conversation Glen Downs & Martin Armstrong on Republican Upset

  The Republican Internal Revolution

China now Brands Windows 8 as a Spy Tool for NSA

Real bad news enough for Microsoft is emerging over this entire spying of the NSA. A state-backed news report broadcast on China’s CCTV that has now branded the operating system as a threat to China’s cybersecurity, and suggesting it is being used to spy on Chinese citizens. The NSA is destroying America’s reputation and its […]

Windows 8 – NSA- Creatures of Patterns

COMMENT: Hi Martin, I’ve just read the following article and the facility to connect to your PC from another machine, using the remote desktop protocol has been in Microsoft Products since Windows 2000, there’s nothing controversial about it, that’s how the industry administer other servers or PC’s. I thought you might like an industry insider’s […]

Discussion from Capitol Hill – Downs & Armstrong 5/30/2014

  Discussion About the Unfunded Liabilities

Is US Economy Turning Down?

The first quarter numbers showed a contraction with first reading of gross domestic product (GDP) coming in at an annualized rate of just 0.1%. This steep decline has been due to weather. Our own office was closed way too often as we were forced to work from home. Once the snow cleared. hotels are full most […]

Dow & the Future

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong,  I am a big fan of your work. I read ALL of your blogs and have purchased some of your materials. You truly opened my eyes to how the world really works. I am unfortunately one of those public workers you talk about. I first hand see how my employers are having trouble […]

Glen Downs & Martin Armstrong From Capitol Hill May 21, 2014


Australia – A Fresh Look at Down-Under

QUESTION: Dear Martin, I firstly wanted to commend you for all the valuable information contained in your website and for your vigilance and generosity in providing this free of charge.  I met you at a Seminar in Surfer’s Paradise, Queensland some years ago with Jack Houghton.  I had invested in your Australian gold fund and […]