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Chicago Tribune Calls for Hillary to Step Down

Headine:  Democrats should ask Clinton to step aside I fully agree from my “opinion” perspective that Hillary is a disgrace and she should step aside and Joe Biden should be the Democratic Candidate. Americans have “become so numb by the decades of lies and cynicism oozing from Clinton Inc. that it could elect Hillary Clinton as president, […]

Trading Presidents

The markets are coiling and do not know what to make of all the scandals being released. A Reuters polls shows that 70% of Republicans believe the election will be rigged. This is what the computer has been projecting that 2015.75 was the peak in government. Trump has risen to the top not for any […]

Syria the Focal Point

QUESTION: Marty; You said Syria was the focal point for this ECM wave and the target for the beginning of World War III. I read your piece on Syria and the issue of religion rising from this single spot. I find it extraordinary how you can pick specific places like Ukraine and Syria long before […]

War Cycle on Target – Sad to Say

All indications are now pointing to war between the USA and Russia. It appears the powers that be in Washington fear a Trump victory and he would end nation building. The military needs to start a war now because if Trump were elected, he would not go along with this mess. Even Russian TV is […]

The Hunt for Taxes is Unleashed in Africa

Nigeria has begun the hunt for taxes as they target 700,000 firms as the country is desperate to look for more revenue as its income from oil has collapsed. Nigeria is Africa’s biggest economy and it has entered its first recession in more than 20 years as overspending produces only higher taxes, not economic reform. […]

EU Collapse on Schedule

Merkel admitted that the European Union is in a “critical situation” as the EU leaders met in Slovakia. I greatly appreciate all the emails asking why I do not go to Europe to push our solution to save the continent. But what you have to understand is we will ONLY get a call when there is blood on […]

Now Available: The Pension Crisis Report

  With each peak in the Economic Confidence Model, a different sector becomes the focus. The peak in interest rates occurred on 1981.35 and was the peak of the Public Wave that followed the 1929.75 Private Wave. The Public Wave bottomed on 1985.65 during the summer of 1985. This event marked the birth of the current […]

Bankers Laid off 100,000 so far

The numbers are in. Banking as indeed seen its peak. Banks in Europe and the US have dismissed 100,000 people last year, the bulk after 2015.75 . The decline is just starting. We are even witnessing the decline in bank employment now in China as well. The high flying jobs in banking have seen their best […]

IMF Concedes Central Banks Are Doomed

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned at the G20 summit in Hangzhou, China, that in the face of crises, the refusal to reform how things are functioning will lead to economic weakness in the global economy. “The latest data show subdued activity, less growth in trade and a very low inflation, suggesting an even […]

Turkey Invades Syria

Erdogan invaded Syria yesterday on August 24th, 2016. While he is claiming that he was invading to create a Euphrates Shield retaking areas held by the Islamic State, he is really attempting to invade against both the Kurdish independence, as well as Syria itself. We warned that August is the time for war. Erdogan is […]