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European Political Mindset Remains the Same Since WWII

José Manuel Durão Barroso is a Portuguese politician and Member of the EPP . Since the end of November 2004 Barroso became President of the European Commission. On September 16, 2009 he was elected by the European Parliament for a second term of five years. He is indicative of why politicians should not be allowed […]

Merkel Won – Not Europe

The tragic saga of Europe is that Merkel’s victory means no change for Europe. The September elections may have surprisingly given Merkel’s party a near majority, but the likelihood of any real reform in Europe is now zero. We will see the slow and gradual decline and that is a sad state of affairs. There […]

The Euro Outlook

The major resistance for the Euro stands at the 14548 and 14577 levels. The Weekly Bullish Reversals are at 13913 and 14450. The Monthly Bullish Reversal stands at 14700. The weekly oscillators are still positive and technically that is the top of the channel area. Friday’s closing at 13523 leave some room to the next […]

Is the Euro Dying?

After election day, Angela Merkel plans a significant change as she will lack a majority of Germans really behind her and she has always changed direction with the political wind. According to the polls, the majority of Germans have had enough of Brussels. We will see a shift in trend whereby there will be a resurgence […]

Another Nail in the Coffin of the Euro?

Britain remains the EU’s biggest financial center and is opposed to the 2014 tax on financial transactions to begin in the EU. Britain, and several other EU states, are refusing to participate in the tax scheme that will clearly send capital out of the Euro. There are still 11 members that will go ahead Germany, France, […]

EU imposes Travel ban for “troublemakers”/demonstrators in Europe

The EU wants to outlaw “troublemakers” from crossing borders within Europe. They mention those who riot at football matches, but they include the suppression of civil rights by including protesters at EU summits. As the economy declines, Europe is determined to suppress the people rather than reform or even invest in a mirror. It would […]

The European Debt Bomb – Unbelievable

The solution we have been working on is rapidly becoming the only way out. The amount of debt keeps growing and there is just no way to resolve this mess. Either we go into a massive default wiping out all pensions, or we keep raising taxes and destroying the economy wiping out the youth and […]

Municipalities are Collapsing in Europe – Detroit is not Alone

The debt crisis is being felt at the state and local levels. This entire structure of promising pensions on the assumption that they can just always raise taxes is destroying society on a grand scale precisely for the same reasons Rome fell – unfunded liabilities caused by promised pensions for state workers. Detroit is not […]

Can Europe Hyperinflate?

QUESTION: Does “Europe” constitute a new/revolutionary state and is therefore liable to Hyperinflate? ANSWER: No. The revolutionary type government such as Germany with its Communist Revolution in 1918 do not honor the debt of the previous government and was unable to sell bonds. Therefore, it lacked the confidence of capital and sent capital fleeing and […]

Crime is also Rising in Europe Among the Youth – Solution? More Police & Restore Border Checks Not Lower Taxes to Create Jobs

The side-effect of socialism and high unemployment among the youth is the rising crime rate in Europe involving youths under 25 for monetary gain. A 72 year-old retired boxer beat-up a youth with a knife who entered his home. Hiring police has been rising, but at the same time there are those who are arguing […]