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Today’s Closings – Gold – Silver – Euro – Dow

In June Gold, a closing below 1439 will keep gold in a vulnerable position where support next week will be at the 1385-1400 level with still resistance at 1476 even becoming firmer. In silver, the support lies at 2250. A daily closing beneath that will signal new lows ahead. The day of the high for […]

Gold Inventories

QUESTION: What about the gold inventory decline. Is this not significant? ANSWER: No. The inventory at COMEX has always been volatile. Inventories rise and fall without any leading indicator to price. Supplies will shift also between London and New York. Inventories dropped sharply after 1980 as well. Manipulators often play with the inventories of all […]

Gold – Answering Your Questions

QUESTION: “Let me start by thanking you for all your work which gives me a better insight in how all things are interconnected. I have a question about Gold, as an attendee of the Princeton Conference I received the Gold report. Gold recently broke trough 3 monthly bearish reversals and is now making her way […]

GATA & GOLD & Manipulations

Why people seem to think that I disagree with GATA I am not sure. I have had contact with Bill and Chris since at least 1999 over the years casually – not regularly. To the best of my knowledge they are NOT part of the crowd that claims there is no gold in Fort Knox. […]

Gold – the Plain Technical Truth no Bullish

Gold trades technically not fundamentally. Why there are so many gold promoters selling fundamental gibberish is amazing. To me this is suspicious. They are so desperate to get people to buy and have no regard for their financial survival. Here is SPOT gold back to 1975 on a quarterly basis. All the same fundamental nonsense […]

Is there Gold in Fort Knox?

Is there gold in Fort Knox? That question is completely irrelevant. Why? Will it really make a difference? The stories of no gold in the vault are just spun by people so desperate to support a gold bull market it is just crazy. I was given a tour of the NY Fed years ago and […]

Real Estate beats Gold as #1 Investment & Euro Yen Recap

Land Auction Great Depression The Gallup Poll is out surveying the investment sentiment of American investors. Gold has held that top slot up until now. Gold has now fallen for the first time to the second position as investors return to the old historical investment sector – real estate. Even in Europe people are starting […]

Gold Stocks In Panic Mode?

The Gold Stocks have fallen from grace fairly hard. This is what is actually necessary for the rally to continue into the 2017 to 2020 area. Supply must be reduced. As marginal mines shut down or slow production, this helps to reduce future supply. It will take a steady rise in prices to new highs […]

Central Banks & Gold

QUESTION: “You wrote ‘Some central banks appear poised to sell gold to raise money given they have no intent to return to a gold standard.’ Which ones are the sellers and the buyers?” ANSWER: Those who are thinking about selling are the ones in financial trouble. This is being discussed among Euro members. Germany is not […]

Central Banks Buying Shares & Selling Gold?

What is interesting is that those who manage the more than $11 trillion in reserves for central banks know more than what they are revealing. Previously, on April 4th we reported that China’s debt holding in Euros fell to BELOW 7%. We have been collecting the raw data on the reserve holdings and will […]