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JFK – REAGAN – TRUMP on Freedom

  COMMENT: Hi Martin, Re: your blog post about multiple Faucis…. Couldn’t agree more with your comments. Especially love this one: “I find it hypocritical that the argument against restricting abortions that the Democrats throw out “IF IT’S NOT YOUR BODY IT’S NOT YOUR CHOICE“. Yet somehow that does not apply when forcing experimental vaccines […]

Fauci Undermining the USA on a Global Scale

  COMMENT: Marty; I just had to express my gratitude for everything you do. You nailed this Covid-pandemic from the beginning and you were the first to publish on the Wuhan Fauci link. What has impressed me was it is now here on Sky News that Fauci was worried about a leak in February 2020 […]

Fauci – Calls for Resignation Rising

  The calls for Fauci to resign are growing louder.  Fauci is a disgrace. He has admitted funding Wuhan with $600,000 for research into Bat Viruses which I reported over a year ago. His denials of that up to now and his constantly changing positions on COVID are an international disgrace. Babylon Bee did a […]

Biden, Trump & More Insanity

  I am sure that Joe Biden made another huge gaff. He actually just said that nobody making less than $400,000 will pay a penny in tax. I’m sure he meant they will not pay “more” but I would love to see him put that in an executive order. Everyone who even gets $500,000 in […]

12 Years Can Really Give Consent?

QUESTION: Is it true that California can vaccinate even 11-year-olds without parental consent? GH ANSWER: No. But the Washington D.C. Council passed a law in late December 2020 that allows children as young as 11 to receive vaccines if they are deemed capable by a doctor of giving informed consent. If an 11 year old […]

New Age of Authoritarianism

QUESTION: With over 1 million millionaires and billionaires fleeing the north to the south, why do these people not see the handwriting on the wall? Willful ignorance? Or are they planning to try to prevent non vaccinated people from even engaging in any commerce? PG ANSWER: This reminds me of how Spain fell. Indeed, Spain […]

Will COVID Variants make the 2022 Cycle High?

QUESTION: Marty, With all your contacts and your model where you were forecasting that the more serious disease would be in 2022, do you think this is the natural mutation of this virus that they created? PN ANSWER: I believe that these people were more interested in creating a virus that would not result in […]

One of the Most Renown Doctors – Governments are Lying

Peter McCullough

NYC Out of its Mind – Mandating 12 year olds be Vaccinated?

COMMENT: Greeting Martin So last night the NYC private schools announced that ages 12+ will be mandated to take the emergency authorized experimental vaccine. This goes against Federal law but I see no way to fight It in NY State given the political climate. I was trying to delay my exit from NYC for family […]

Collapse in Confidence by Refusal to Vaccinate

COMMENT: Marty, If people trusted the government, then the vaccine campaign would have been successful. The fact they are using money to induce personal choice is telling. The fact they have surplus dosis to send overseas is clear proof. The fact the change in the mask guidelines is still being resisted by Biden and his […]