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Child Molesting & Teen Sex

Boy, some topics just pile in the emails. Some people are just in denial about charging teens for having sex with someone a few years younger under 18. Kaitlyn Hunt of Indian River County was charged with two felony counts for having sex with someone 4 years younger. If convicted, she would be given a […]

Gold – Falling From Grace

Gold has been trending lower Breaking the June low of 2013 showing that the Benchmark Forecasts in The 2014 International Metals Outlook Report are right on track as it hits fresh four-year lows. The Gold Promoters are just desperate for bullish news and will craft whatever they can to continue their delusional bubble in which they live. […]

Youth Should Work For Free – Bank of Canada Recommends

What is seriously being overlooked here around the world politically is we are dealing with a revolution of the youth as a consequence of the collapse in Marxism. Pictured above is Bank of Canada Governor Stephen Poloz who has amazingly stated that the rising unemployment among the youth who are living in their parent’s basements, […]

The ECM and a 1,000 different flavors

  QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, based on your work on capital flows I assume there excist different ECM’s for different regions. How detailed do you calculate this models, have you got one for every continent, region or even country? I have never seen the ECM for Europe on your blog but I assume its already […]

Republican Sweeping Victory Taking Senate – A Prelude to 2016?

Republicans rode a growing wave of voter discontent during the midterm election winning the control of the Senate literally punishing the Democrats for even electing what is glowingly becoming apparent that Obama is a repeat of Bush Jr, just worse. This will now clip the wings of the Democrats and the social agenda of Obama […]

Draghi – Negative Interest Rates pass-on by German Banks

Those in government maintain a completely delusional view of the world which is the central part of the crisis that we face. Everyone else pays the price for it and this is no longer just brilliantly entertaining. This modern-day monetary delusion persists both inside central banks as well as within the halls of the elected representative […]

Judges are Free to Take Your Liberty For Anything – Didn’t Cut your Lawn – Jail Time!

It is just amazing how there is no respect for human rights and the sanctity of LIBERTY in the United States any more. There just has to be a serious overhaul of the rule of law in the USA for there are more people in prison in the USA than Europe, China, and Russia COMBINED. […]

Oh Boy! Get Ready. The Paranoid Nutjobs at the NSA Will Be About To Read Your Thoughts

  Believe it or not, Scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, have developed a machine and computer program which converts brain activity into sounds and words. That’s correct! Speech activates specific neurons as the brain operates to interpret the sounds as words. Each word activates a slightly different set of neurons. This is how […]

The Left using Piketty in Netherlands

CONTRIBUTED FROM NETHERLANDS: Hi Martin, There you have it: one of the Dutch left parties, Green Left, is proposing draconian wealth taxes based on Thomas Piketty’s book. See the link below. Some of the things they want: * A (maximum) 50% tax on capital for the super rich * Increase the tax on dividends from […]

Precious Metals Dead or Deader?

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thinking in terms of Capital Flows, would it be appropriate to say that gold & silver are falling because the dollar is rising, the Euro is falling and some states need to sell gold to cover their bond exposure? Best, -M ANSWER: Yes. The dollar is rising and this will have a positive […]