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Mathematics & Dark Age

We tend to judge far too much by our own times. What cannot be overlooked is the lack of mathematics following the Dark Ages. When numbers were Roman numerals, calculation and bookkeeping were not supportive of international accounting. Interestingly enough, as pornography enabled video streaming, it was gambling that gave birth to mathematics. Vices often […]

Red Light Traffic Cameras & Money

The huge difference between the USA and Europe happens to center on the criminal trial of Sir Walter Raleigh. After the death of Queen Elizabeth on March 23, 1603, Raleigh was arrested and imprisoned in the Tower of London within months on the 19th of July. Raleigh was tried in the Great Hall of Winchester Castle […]

Merkel May be Forced From Office Over Refugees

Merkel’s refugee policy has really divided Europe, no less her own country. This issue appears staged to bring about her downfall. It was 17 days ahead of the ECM turning point on September 13 (2 x 8.6) when Merkel reimposed border controls; the cornerstone of Europe was to be the freedom of movement. She has […]

Schengen Agreement Suspended

Last February, we warned that the Schengen Agreement, which allows the freedom of movement within Europe, would come to an end. This crazy idea of allowing millions of refugees from a completely different culture to enter Europe will be its undoing. The suspension of Schengen by Germany is the beginning of the end.

Yellen Tells Congress Negative Interest Rates Are Possible

Reuters has reported that Yellen told a House of Representatives committee when testifying before Congress: “Potentially anything – including negative interest rates – would be on the table. But we would have to study carefully how they would work here in the U.S. context.” Yellen may have been placating Congress, for negative rates would wipe out the […]

2015.75 Seems to be On Target

We have been warning that this turning point was different. Instead of a crash in private assets, as in 1998.55 or 2007.15 when the Case-Schiller peaked to the day, this time it was in government. Putin bombed Syria precisely on the day of the turning point (9/30/2015), but there were many stocks that bottomed with […]

Agenda for the World Economic Conference

DAY ONE We will be covering the global trends that will drive the capital flows. We will be looking ahead beyond 2015.75 and into the next two waves culminating in 2032.95. We will cover capital flows, the shifting tide in investment, and how to strategically position yourself for the turmoil ahead. We will be looking […]

Hawaii Separatist Movement – Its Own Country by 2031?

The upcoming election in Hawaii has revealed the rise of a separatist movement that argues that Hawaii is an independent country that has been occupied. Indeed, Hawaii is one of four U.S. states that were actually independent nations before they became states. The others are Vermont, where there is also a separatist movement, along with Texas, and […]

Dow Closing for October 2015

The Dow closed neutral on our indicators for the month-end of October. We have held support below and bumping against resistance. There are only two possible patterns: (1) a slingshot move that penetrates last year’s low and swings to new highs in a blast to the upside, or (2) we simply base and then enter […]

Money Is Also Perishable – Debasement & Devaluation Easier Than Taxing or Defaulting

QUESTION: Martin; Why in the world anyone would invest in government debt when they all default in the end? GH ANSWER: Honestly, most people are oblivious to the fact that governments always default in modern times. Jean Baptiste Say took the position that a rational businessman will never hoard money because of inflation and he will promptly […]