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The Bond Crisis & 2015.75

Some people have wrongly expected a crash in the long bonds. What has actually happened is that China and others have sold into the high, liquidating their long bonds, and moving short-term. This is why rates are negative on the short-end. The CRASH comes in the opposite direction this time. Why? Because the central banks […]

Market Talk — October 21, 2015

Although the trade numbers from Japan were below forecasters’ projections, the street was abuzz with speculation of further BOJ intervention; so we saw the Nikkei close up 2% today. The same could not be said for Shanghai (closed down 3.5%) whilst the HSI was closed for a public holiday. European indices really could not decide on direction but after a […]

Swiss Elections Turn Right

The SVP won the elections in Switzerland, moving the nation a bit to the right and anti-immigration. This is becoming a global trend that we are monitoring in every country around the world. As the economy turns down, domestic populations ALWAYS turn against immigrants no matter what country it is. The Swiss are no different.

Market Talk – October 19, 2015

The economic data released from China earlier this morning has been the most talked about economic topic across almost every trading desk today. China’s Q3 GDP resulted in a small beat at 6.9% (expected 6.8%), and the September Retail Sales also slightly better at 10.9% (expected 10.8%) and then finally September Industrial Production released 5.7% against an estimated 6.0% expectation. All rather disappointing really – well, as […]

Socialism v Capitalism

The debate for socialism is simply that they regard it as unfair when anyone has more than another does. The solution is always to rob someone else to improve your own life. If you take this philosophy as your own, then you rob others because they have more, which is no different than robbing someone […]

The Coming French Revolution of 2020?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Thank you for coming to Paris. You said the civil unrest would rise in France going into 2018 and there was a risk of another French Revolution in 2020. You mentioned that when surrounded by many people on the Champs–Élysées. Since then  I have paid attention and there is a rising discussion […]

Putin Explains Who Created ISIS and Gives His View on Syria

Putin has revealed that he is far more intelligent than the Western media likes to portray him. Putin has pointed out that during the last two World Wars, Russia was one of the allies of the United States. Yes, Russia turned communist and was reluctantly one of the allies during World War II, but that […]

Market Talk – October 14, 2015

Globally, it has not been a pretty day for equities. Asia and U.S. indices are down with the worst being the Nikkei (off 2%) and that carried into the U.S. session losing another 1%. It appears the world has finally awoken to the fact that the economy is on life support with little to no sign of a recovery anytime soon. Today’s sell-off […]

Market Talk – October 13, 2015

The import numbers released from China early this morning was the last thing the commodity based countries wanted to see, especially after having found some decent optimism in recent trading. The Nikkei suffered the most, losing 1.1% on the day, and that carried forward into late U.S. trading where the futures are currently down a further 0.95%. […]

Market Talk – October 12, 2015

In Europe, despite the positive Asian market with the Shanghai Index exceeding 3% (on the back of weekend government vocal support), we had a lack luster session with no clear direction. The same could really be said for the U.S., but at least there the indices finished in the positive. Oil was probably the most talked about asset of the […]