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Belgium Riots Reach up to 100,000 People Against Austerity

Major protests have broken out in Belgium over AUSTERITY, according to Le Monde. According to the police, up to 100,000 people demonstrated in the center of the capital against the AUSTERITY measures imposed by Prime Minister Charles Michel. The protests in Europe will get much worse on the other side of 2015.75.

Obfuscating Analysis

  COMMENT #1: I have watched the plagiarism going on around your work where people are clearly stealing everything from you and then claiming to have the same track record and then trying to cover it up claiming they use Dewey and Kondratiff yet attempt to come up with a specific date as your model […]

Immigration During an Economic Decline Is Insane!

According to the BBC, the German government has admitted that there have been almost 500 attacks on homes intended for asylum seekers this year. Politicians are clueless when it comes to managing an economy. In the USA during the 1840s, in the middle of the State Sovereign Debt Crisis, gun battles took place in many […]

Is Quantitative Easing the Same as Printing Money?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Thank you for coming to Athens. After the presentation, there were so many questions that the moderator did not have time for. You answered some for the crowd afterwards that I had never heard anyone ever explain. You said Quantitative Easing was not money printing nor did it really increase the money […]

Merkel: Immigrants & the Nobel Peace Prize

Merkel is up for the Nobel Peace Prize. Her actions regarding immigration have some wondering if she is trying to get that prize or if she is doing what is best for Germany. The Arab countries are not taking in any refugees; they are happy to send them off to Europe. So if their own are […]

Market Talk – October 8, 2015

Asia was indifferent; Europe was small positive, but it was not until we saw the Fed minutes and McCarthy announcement did stocks decide to make a definite move higher. The Dow closed above 17k for the first time in a while, with the talk of no rate move (for 2015) and the likelihood of continued uncertainty. The Fed minutes […]

Slovakia Will Exit the EU Over the Immigration Issue

The Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico has stated bluntly that the EU must stop the influx migration of refugees or Slovakia will exit the EU. The refugee issue is tearing Europe apart. Latvia refused to accept the number allotted to them by Brussels.

NATO Warns Russia to End Air Strikes

The BBC reported that NATO has issued a warning to Russia calling for an end to its air strikes that are targeting U.S. trained forces who have been trying to overthrow the Syrian government. Quite frankly, the U.S. policy to get rid of Assad because he is supported by Russia is absurd and seriously risks international war. Even if […]

Austerity vs. Hyperinflation: Which Is the Precursor to Revolution?

QUESTION: Mr, Armstrong; I recently read an article claiming to be a case study that it was somehow the French hyperinflation that led to the revolution. It seems that as you say they are again mixing facts to support a rise in gold with hyperinflation. I am a collector of French monetary history and the paper […]

Gold & Propaganda

QUESTION:  i read your latest piece on gold…..i see your rationale for inflation not causing gold to rise but rather an erosion in confidence of government so if i am reading you right you see a rise in gold in a semi-rapid fashion for the next few years as the confidence in government declines now […]