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Gold & War

QUESTION: Does war boost gold prices? MM ANSWER: No. The only impact that war will have on gold is confined to either prolonged inflation or the uncertainty of the victor — the hedge against government survival. War by itself is a non-event. Gold will rise ONLY when there is uncertainty because the currency of the government will not survive a […]

Real Estate and the ECM

The peak in real estate may have arrived. At the same time, this reflects the shift away from government bonds. Blackstone Group LP, the largest real estate fund to assemble, has come right on point. Blackstone raised $15.8 billion, creating the largest real estate fund in history. As we have warned, this reflects investment capital shifting into real […]

Market Talk — Oct. 1, 2015

Asian equities further consolidated the gains today, adding an additional 1-2% on yesterday’s closes. In Europe, early efforts to rally were muted and eventually turned negative as the U.S. session got underway. Dow lost all momentum, and at one stage, had losses of around 200 points. However, the uncertainty within the markets continued when we […]

The ECM Turning Point — Sept. 30/Oct. 1 — Guns & War?

The unleashing of Russian firepower in Syria in support of the Syrian government came precisely on the day of the Economic Confidence Model. I have come to learn from observing this model that major world events, whatever the major focus may be, appear to line up with the ECM. This target has been huge for […]

Today’s Turning Point on the ECM

I have warned that this turning point is centered in government; not in the markets. The number of issues coming to a head is just mind-blowing: from the Catalonia vote to separate from Spain, to the resignation of Boehner, to non-politicians leading across the globe. The election in Greece was most likely the last vote for any […]

Volkswagen Scandal May Mark the German Economic Decline into 2015.75

After it was revealed that Volkswagen manipulated emission test numbers using a device to sell products in the USA, Chief Executive Martin Winterkorn resigned, although claiming he did not know. This comes at the exact wrong moment — 2015.75. Volkswagen is the biggest car manufacturer in Germany. It is also one of the country’s largest […]

Did Gold Survive the Depression?

Some people totally confuse gold and money. During the Great Depression, we were on a gold standard. During a decline, ALL assets will decline against whatever is money, just as money declines during a boom. You need to separate MONEY from gold or you will never understand how the economy functions and you will buy gold when you […]

Will Gold Complete the September Rally?

Gold’s rally into the target weeks for the ECM appear to be linked to the potential crisis in European banking. This has nothing to do with the dollar, fiat, inflation, or whatever. The only reason gold rises is the hedge against real crisis and uncertainty. Gold may not be sustainable. We really need to see […]

If You Cannot Tell the Truth, Hide the Truth

The motto of the ECB is plain and simple: why reform when we still have some power? Governments will fight until the last drop of blood is spilled; they assume it will be your blood, not theirs. We will see the opposite of transparency unfold along with a rush to eliminate cash. This will force […]

Bubble Bubble, Where Is the Bubble?

Whenever I warn of anything using the word “CRASH”, the newspapers immediately report it as a forecast for a crash in the stock market. This demonstrates that there is no consideration that government can also crash and burn — the perfect example of 100% confidence. Yes, if this week simply closes on the Dow below 16280, then […]