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The Trade of a Lifetime?

COMMENT: Marty, the Wall Street Journal finally explained on October 1st, 2014 that investors suddenly see a rising dollar as bullish for the US stock market. I just wanted to say they are 3 years behind you it seems all the time. Thanks so much for pointing the way. I got out of gold and […]

Why the Rich Get Richer

The great evil the socialist/communist economists like the French economist Thomas Piketty who distorts data in order to harp about that the rich always get richer. Piketty is like the Global Warming crowd, if the data disproves your argument – alter it. You are working for a higher cause than just truth. Piketty claims the bottom 90 percent’s […]

More Fraud Exposed in Scottish Election

Scottish man finds a bag full of “YES” votes in the Scottish Elections that have been trashed. This is just further evidence of election fraud. Based up the pattern and information and beliefs, the EU was behind ensuring that Scotland would reject separation from the UK because of fears of a European-wide contagion. EU vote […]

Obama’s Russian Sanctions Are Backfiring on US & Further Destroying The World Economy

  The US up until Bush, Jr has been the driving force behind the World Economy. I warned that the USA peaked in 1999 and that we would begin to see a decline that would result in the fragmentation of the USA at the end of the cycle. However, the cycle of Political Change on […]

The First Ebola case Appears in the US

The first case of the lethal Ebola virus has been diagnosed in Dallas, Texas. It appears the man is believed to have contracted the virus in Liberia before travelling to the US nearly two weeks ago. Health officials say he is being kept in isolation. However, you can bet everyone on that plane was at least exposed. […]

Youth Protests in Hong Kong Becoming Large

What people do not get is the divide between the generations. The youth have it far worse than their parents and they want jobs, lower taxes, and freedom. The older generation simply looks to exploit the youth and take the approach of shut-up and obey your elders. That is not working in Europe, Scotland, Iran, […]

Australian Scientists Caught Rigging Climate Number to Fake Global Warming

In Australia, the scientists have been caught red-handed adjusting the number to pretend the climate has been getting warmer. Let’s get real here. There are natural cycles within climate. How did the Ice Ages end before without cars? Guess it must have been a lot of cows farting as Europe has declared cows pose the second […]

EU To Aggressively Increase Tax Collection

The Social Democrats in Europe demand that the office of the new EU Commissioner place the collection of taxes very high on the agenda. All governments are going broke and this is the DEFLATIONARY side the hyperinflationists never acknowledge. Those in government only view their crisis through tax evasion and avoidance and exaggerate everything. The […]

Atlas is Getting Tired of Holding up the World Economy

It is becoming a familiar story of global uprisings and discontent outside the USA while steady economic growth in the USA remains the only thing holding up the world economy. Socialism is dead just as communism. The idea that governments can manipulate the economy to smooth out the business cycle has been a disaster. Even […]

Turkey Sends Back 3 Islamist fighters to France

Three Islamist fighters from France could were returned by Turkey. To everyone’s surprise, they entered France freely at Marseille airport after Turkey had expelled them and put on a plane. The French authorities knew that Turkey’s three terror suspects had put on a plane. Nonetheless, the French police were not waiting at the airport Marseille, but […]