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Market Talk — September 1, 2015

You can always expect a quiet session when one of the major centers are out for a bank holiday, and that was what we saw yesterday. Not that dealers needed much of an excuse after last week’s fun and games. Asia did have a weak session after all the talk of the possibility of the Federal Reserve […]

Government: The Most Evil Invention in History?

While we need some form of rule of law and independent body to appeal to for complaints, there is no question that government is by far the evilest invention ever created by humankind. When you actually look at how government begins, it allows us to see that the heart of the problem is always greed and power. Today, […]

Market Talk — August 28, 2015 at Mid-Session

A mixed bag for equity markets across the globe today with two out of three core Asian indices closing higher. The Nikkei and Shanghai produced impressive 3%+ gains this Friday whilst the Hang Seng Index lost 1.05%. In Europe, the DAX failed to trade in the black all day, but we did see small improvements heading into the […]

Market Talk — August 28, 2015

Everyone is feeling good about themselves as the rebound in stocks continues. It is fair to say that all markets closed between 2–3% higher on the day. After solid gains in Asia, Europe opened on a firmer note and the U.S. followed. We did have a wobble mid-afternoon trade, but the final 90 minutes recouped the intraday drought and […]

The Markets From Asia & the Prospects for the Dow

Asian shares are still struggling on Wednesday as it begins to dawn on investors that the Chinese economy really is slowing. The implication for that is more deflation in commodities as they have accounted for nearly 50% of the purchases of commodities these past few years. As with respect to world total GDP, China has […]

Western Share Markets Rebound – Decoupling from China

The Asian contagion that began in Shanghai has now decoupled, leaving Monday the 24th as the low in Europe; it is expected to be the same in the States. A three-day bounce is now possible into Thursday, but there will be another retest of the lows just to make sure traders do not think it […]

The Markets Opening August 25, 2015

The world share markets remain volatile yet should begin to stabilize now showing tentative signs that the panic of Monday is starting to subside. The reported epicenter of Shanghai for the rout, however, has suffered another big sell-off. The mayhem in China’s equity markets showed no signs of abating on Tuesday, as the Shanghai Composite index […]

Shanghai Share Market Outlook

Despite the fact that the rally in Shanghai was by no means a real bull market, regardless of the percentage move back up, keep in mind that what goes up big also goes down in a hurry. This market can make new lows in today’s session, taking a hint from the USA and Europe. Our […]

Markets Fall in the Middle East

The markets are open on Sunday in the Middle East and we have seen follow through with the sell off that rocked the equity markets in Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. This does not always reflect a continued trend on Monday morning’s and is rather more of a completion of the previous week. (See Dubai […]

Osborne is Destroying the British Real Estate Market

One reason someone like Donald Trump is so popular is because he is not a brain-dead politician with some practical market sense. The establishment based press keeps trying to sink his ship so we all suffer the pains of no change. In Britain, George Osborne’s “shock tax” is starting to sink in. In the process, hundreds of […]