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Was the Scottish Vote Really Scottish?

Being Scottish was actually not the criteria to be able to vote. The entire criteria was residency. As a result, almost 400,000 people living north of the border in Scotland were actually not Scottish but born in other parts of the UK (reported the BBC back in 2012). The number of Scots living in England, […]

Why the 2014 Precious Metals Outlook Report is Important

COMMENT: Marty, I just ordered the Gold report. Wanted you to know I am not a gold bug….just interested in a market that is BOTTOMING…with good upside as opposed to the current US markets. Like many, just not interested in these valuations as the “perceived” risk is greater than a market that potentially has significant upside […]

Roosevelt & World War II

  Four Freedoms Speech (YouTube) Franklin D. Roosevelt tried to move the United States to war with his famous Four Freedom’s speech to Congress in the State of the Union on January 6th, 1941. FDR insisted that people in all nations of the world shared Americans’ entitlement to four freedoms: the freedom of speech and freedom of expression, the freedom […]

My Opinion?

My OPINION, I was very much in favor if Scottish Independence for it would have shaken up Europe and led to political reforms in Westminster. That is a good thing. Now I fear they will not change direction and we will see government step on the accelerator and we will merely crash into the wall […]

Brussels Celebrates their Defeat of Scottish YES Vote – Britain Falling in Religious Civil War?

The Scottish Vote really cannot be believed and it appears more-likely-than-not to have been rigged with at least EU influence. In Brussels, they are celebrating no doubt with drinks on the EU Commission after the great Scottish “NO” vote. The EU had “not even a plan A”, how to deal with an independent Scotland, Parliament President Martin […]

Salmond Resigns – Cameron Breaks First Promise

Alex Salmond said Thursday’s vote for an independent Scotland had been “galvanizing, wonderful, empowering.” Nevertheless, he announce he would resign as the head of Scotland. “My time as leader is nearly over, but for Scotland the campaign continues and the dream shall never die.” Salmond said this is the time to now hold London to […]

2014 International Precious Metals Outlook

  As mentioned, everyone who purchases the 2014 Precious Metals Report will receive a complimentary update. This update is separate from the new 2015 Precious Metals Report, which will include information on the impending gold rally and the overall future outlook for precious metals. The 2014 International Metals Outlook $400.00 Over 400 Pages for Reference […]

Scottish Rigged Vote – Is Anything Real Any More? The Crisis in Democracy

I have communicated directly with some Scots. I spoke to an 18 year old segment to get a perspective of the youth. They used the word that they wanted a “REVOLUTION” and feel very betrayed by what they called the over “65” crowd. This is what our model has been warning about and why this […]

Our Progress Report

  To keep you all up to date, I have hired a CEO who was the head trader for many of the biggest banks over the years in Europe and the Middle East. He terminated his employment yesterday and will be joining in 2 months. I will be free to research and program. We are […]

Scotland Sells out to the Dole

In America, the support for Scottish Independence was overwhelming running 80%+ Scottish Flags were appearing everywhere – even in Philadelphia they hung one-off the bridge. But in Scotland where people rely upon handouts from Britain (dole), self-interest prevailed. With all 32 council areas in Scotland now declared, the No (unionist) secured 55% of the vote with […]