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Berlin WEC November 28 & 29

Unquestionably, the overwhelming majority of “analysts” are predicting “a stock market crash for the fall of 2015”. Most predictions are centered on our target date, plus or minus a few days. We are in a period where the central banks are against the wall and are indeed defenseless against any market implosion. But are we […]

Market Talk – August 20, 2015

Another very poor performance from Asian equity markets rolled over into Europe and the U.S. All Asian markets lost between 1% – 3.5%. In Europe, FTSE was the best of a poor bunch, only losing 0.6%, whilst the DAX and CAC were both down over 2%. The U.S. fared no better with the DOW and […]

The Mad Max Event

QUESTION: Martin, Can you explain more fully why you are expecting the market to rally post 2015.75 while at the same time the economy turns down? Is it merely capital flows domestically as the international economy worsens further, which will ultimately wash up on the shores of the US?  At that point should we expect […]

Belgium & the Hunt for Taxes

COMMENT: Dear Marty,   Thnx for all the insights.   Since a couple of months at a drive in chain in Belgium (Arlon) a couple of miles from the Luxembourg border it’s not possible to pay with 500euro nor with 200 euro notes anymore! That’s on of the proofs they are hunting people with money…. […]

How History Always Repeats

COMMENT:  Martin, I just read your post “Does China’s Devaluation Reduce the Odds of the Fed Raising Rates?”. The line towards the end “The Fed is being pressured by the IMF and other nations not to raise rates because of external economic conditions” brings to mind the early chapters of “The World’s Greatest Bull Market” […]

Market Talk — August 18, 2015

With the exception of the Shanghai market today — IF we can excuse a 6.5% decline — most markets were well behaved, generally speaking. European stocks were off but only modestly and the Dow is slightly down after exceeding yesterday’s high. The U.S. dollar continued its stronger tone to Emerging Market (EM) currencies. Again, Russia […]

Real Estate

QUESTION: Dear  Armstrong, Your work is absolutely brilliant – Thank You. In your paper “a forecast for real estate”, your graph forecasts real estate trending down from 2015 till 2033. Based on this forecast will the real estate collapse begin in Australia after 2015.75? If so when will buying opportunities begin? In some of your interviews you mention that private assets will rise […]

The Dollar Rally – From the Japanese Perspective

The Japanese yen has peaked against the dollar. The dollar in fact elected a YEARLY Bullish Reversal at the end of 2014. This is yet another confirmation that we are facing a strong dollar ahead, ushering in this age of DEFLATION, which should start to hit in the USA after October. This is impacting everything, not the least of […]

Dubai & the Middle East

The general perception that Middle Eastern countries are flush with cash and deliberately try to keep oil down to harm Iran when it begins to sell is rather childish. Budgets rose and became bloated. Gasoline prices even rose in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Dubai stocks fell to the lowest in more than two months, […]

Currency Pegs & their Risks

The devaluation of the Chinese renminbi (yuan) raises serious implications both economically and politically. The mere fact that a peg exists allows for political criticism, as if this were some currency war. First, China devalued the renminbi for its economy to remain on an even keel in an attempt to keep growth and employment high. […]