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The COVID Scam Continues

  Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that vaccinated and boosted people made up most of the COVID-19 deaths in August. EVERY person I personally know who has had problems from blood clots to being rushed to the hospital was vaccinated. I went to get my hair cut, yes what’s […]

$80 Trillion Derivatives Market

The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) has warned in its latest quarterly report that there is $80 trillion dollar in off-balance sheet dollar debt in the form of FX swaps. This has involved pension funds and other ‘non-bank’ financial firms. What they do not explain is that each “debt” has a counterparty that has an […]

How Thinking has Inverted What was Up is now Down

I was in conversation with people I know in Europe. It is like the entire world has flipped upside down. This Climate Change Agenda is something far more sinister than anyone in mainstream media is willing to print for it has really little to do with saving the planet. If you are pro-War with Russia, […]

Secrets of the Universe

COMMENT: Martin – Thank you for your efforts to write your discoveries down into publications so that they will be available for the benefit of civilization after you have passed on. I am very much looking forward the “The Geometry of Time”. Like many groundbreaking thinkers of the past, you may end up being someone […]

Coins for XMas

A Lot of people have written in asking if I have any more Athenian Owls and other coins from hoards. I will count how many Athenian Owls and Alexander the Greats I have left. It will not be a lot. I have been trying to buy a Gallic Hoard of the 3rd century recently discovered […]

China & the Future

COMMENT: Hello Marty !! It looks like the ” China as a parking lot for cash has already begun. FXI going to the moon of late in spite of Xi & Co. cutting off their own economic foot to hide behind their troubles and blame it on the darn protestors to the folly, by golly. […]

Volcano Eruptions On the Rise with Solar Minimum

We are now in Solar Cycle 25 with peak sunspot activity expected in 2025. Solar Cycle 24 which ended in December 2019, was of average in length, at 11 years. However, it was the 4th-smallest intensity since regular record keeping began with Solar Cycle 1 in 1755. We’re now in Solar Cycle 25 and we are […]

There is Nobody Coming on a White Horse to Save the Day

QUESTION: Marty, this was my first WEC. I had already met so many people and made friendships that the trip alone was worth it. I also found it interesting that you said nobody is coming in on a white horse from the Republican Party to save us. That struck me for you are really middle-of-the-road […]

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot like a Recession – Supply Chain Issues Before Christmas

Retail relies on the holiday season for the bulk of its revenue. In fact, a quarter of all retail spending in the US occurs in the last two months of the year. Numerous retailers have already downgraded their forecasts for the holiday season, and therefore, overall revenue estimates will go down. I reported that early […]

Massive Unrest in Mexico

As our models indicated, November would be a time of great civil unrest throughout the world. The latest incident occurred in Mexico where at least 200,000 people took to the streets to protest President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s (AMLO) proposal to reform the electoral body and Congress. The photo above was taken at Mexico City […]