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Crude – Equities – Euro

We will post a 35-minute video update to the World Economic forum (see “Helpful Video” thread) that will cover key markets. We have warned that January looked like a correction all around. Wall Street rallied after a hesitant start on Thursday as oil prices led the way after surging with a big gain. ECB President […]

Why The Theory of Money Does Not Work

QUESTION:  We see that the United States can borrow all it needs at minimal cost and we also see that we’re getting a big boost from falling energy/commodity prices, to levels we have not seen in some 15 years my “economic model” — which is not a computer model but is certainly scientific in nature […]

Looking for Sanity in an Insane World

Why has China become so important? Largely because global investors are in this transition mode and do not understand how or why the foundation of everything is changing beneath them. The market turmoil in China spread around the world on Thursday as global investors took their lead from China as a contagion unfolded with no real understanding. […]

What Is Said Publicly & Privately Differ – Here Comes 2017

QUESTION: Marty, you know which bank I am at. You also know the Fed has been going around warning banks that their models are wrong and they will not see a flight to quality being the 30 year bonds. Yet Yellen seems to also say she does not believe in inevitable cycles. They are saying […]

Dow Looking Into 2016-2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, at the conference you said the US share market would continue to move sideways and there will be no breakout to the upside until 2016. After Fridays action I assume this is still on target. Where is support this time? Curious ANSWER: The key support lies down at 16887. We need a weekly closing […]


I greatly appreciate all the news clippings quoting goldbugs and how they have been wrong from the 1970s. I was unaware how one of the famous ones sold out at $265 in 1979. Nevertheless, I am not interested in a name calling exercise and anyone who cannot see the truth deserves the losses they endure. […]

Market Manipulation Confusion

QUESTION: You say that long-term manipulations are impossible while short-term manipulations have been the focus of the bankers. Do you mean to say that not even governments can manipulate the economy perpetually? Are central banks buying US equities to manipulate the US stock market higher? It would seem that the Fed would then be accused […]

Interviews & Press

Martin Armstrong’s Media Appearances If you are interested in arranging an interview with Martin Armstrong, please fill out our “Contact” form located on the homepage and select “I have a question about media engagement and/or an interview request.” 2024 The Coming Great Default with Martin Armstrong – Interview with Outer Limits (7/11/24) Trump/RFK Could Form […]

Gold & the Dow – Looking Ahead

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; So many people have tried to copy what you do and in the process expose themselves as having nothing original to offer. They pretend to have models that pinpoint dates like October 7th and claim they are using the K-Wave to cover up their theft. Still they fail to understand what you […]

Governments’ Hands Are Chained; They Cannot Prevent Their Demise

QUESTION: When I read your projections regarding monthly or weekly closes below certain levels, i cant help but think that the government is reading it also and will use their mighty resources to make sure that the levels are not fulfilled. your thoughts?  is the market just too enormous? thanks ms ANSWER: Governments are powerless. Their […]