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Argentina Posts First Surplus in Over a Decade

It took President Javier Milei of Argentina a mere two months to push his nation into a surplus. The Economy Ministry declared that the government posted a $589 million surplus, the first surplus in recent memory. Western media has been silent about Milei’s victory as his policies are pushing the nation back on the path […]

The Middle East – The Coming War of Wars

QUESTION: Many people who are Jewish and Christian would love to destroy the Dome of the Rock. We hear Christian zealots pushing this event to bring about the Second Coming and Armageddon. Does Socrates show anything on this subject? Do you plan an update on your Middle East War Report? It’s been almost ten years, […]

Insurance Companies Planning for Climate Lockdowns

Some insurance companies are altering their policies for corporations and business interruptions, which seems to be in anticipation of government lockdowns for climate change under the label “weather events.” The government seems to be preparing for new lockdowns under the pretense of climate change this summer.  It appears that they are preparing to restrict travel […]

Confidence in Government & Justice is Collapsing

  While COVID has set in motion the collapse in confidence of the government and the media, the prosecutions against Trump and anyone associated with him are demonstrating that the Department of Justice is now weaponized. We are staring into the eyes of a collapse of justice for all. No government can stand when the […]

Trying to Save the Future – Redesigning Government

It took the Roman Empire about 314 years (Pi) to realize that it was just too big and complicated for one man to rule. The Tetrarchy was the system instituted by Roman emperor Diocletian (284-305AD) in 293 AD to govern the Empire by dividing it between two emperors, the augusti (presidents), and their junior colleagues […]

Department of Justice Still Seeks to Imprison Woman who Discovered Ashley Biden’s Diary

Joe Biden’s daughter, Ashley, famously had her diary stolen from a sex addict rehabilitation center. Some believe the president’s daughter left the diary behind deliberately so that someone would know her truth. In September 2020, the woman who found the diary sold it to Project Veritas for $20,000. After denying that the diary was real, […]

Blinken Pushing Ukraine into NATO to Start WWIII

  Blinken says that Ukraine will be joining NATO, and the Article of NATO clearly states that nobody can join NATO who is at war. Blinken knows that Ukraine is about to fall, so he is pushing that to hell with the rules; NATO must accept Ukraine now so that they can declare World War […]

Happy Transgender Day – Forget Easter

If anyone dares to question why the United States will break apart and separate, you must move to California. Biden has just declared Easter is really Transgender Day. He did not give us a memo on how to celebrate. I guess we do not have to hunt for eggs or give presents. So, I guess […]

Beware the Ides of May

The Western Press continues to report only the propaganda from the NEOCON mouthpiece, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), which is run bt Victoria Nuland’s sister-in-law. I have warned that they were trying to start war BEFORE the election, and the two main targets in time were May and July. Be very careful […]

The West will get a lesson for memory that it is bad to fight with Russia

It would be nice to think that all we have to do is get out and vote to rid ourselves of these warmongers. But they control the elections, and they are in their glory. I do not see how we can avoid this war. They are doing everything in their power to prevent RFK from […]