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Feminine Product Shortage Fuels War on Women

Essential feminine products are in short supply. A few girls I know laughed and said that they could have told me this a year ago before the topic reached the headlines. One complained that she traveled to three different stores to find her preferred brand. A shortage of cotton and plastic items has led to […]

WHY Things Happen

QUESTION #1: Marty, do you think it was destiny that you were somehow intended to discover the hidden order behind the Business Cycle? HS QUESTION #2: Martin, I have a friend who has been working on getting Roe v. Wade overturned.  In a groups chat, my daughter mentioned to him how this was going to […]

The West’s Refusal to Seek World Peace

  The press has done nothing but put forward present propaganda and they are driving the world into the arms of death. Once upon a time, the world leaders gathered together for a conference in Munich to discuss WORLD PEACE and SECURITY. Today, they seem to conspire on how to bring the world into the […]

Tour de Rehoboth Beach

Some may miss the “mean tweets” and lower prices of, well, everything under the former administration. Former President Trump commented on Biden’s latest tumble after he fell off his bicycle while riding in his home state of Delaware. “I will never, ever, ride a bicycle!” Trump proclaimed to a crowd that erupted with laughter. Trump […]

Britain Head of Military Tells Troops Prepare for WWIII

Britain’s Military Chief of the General Staff had just taken that position and he has already told the army they need to prepare for war against Russia in Europe. He has told every soldier to prepare to fight Russia in a potential World War III. He has pledged to forge an Army that can beat […]

The Heat Wave is Right on Target into Peak 2024

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, your forecast for 2022 to be hot and dry has come true. It was 86 years from the Dust Bowl. Do you try to get those in government to listen? Obviously, all the dead cattle would have survived if people would just follow your model. FD ANSWER: I suppose I have given […]

Credit Card Debt on the Rise

The various handouts and moratoriums during the pandemic drove the personal savings rate down to World War II levels. Everything was closed – there weren’t many opportunities to spend. US consumers paid off a record $83 billion in credit card debt during the pandemic, but that has all come crashing down. The Federal Reserve reported […]

Update: Three New Summer Webinars – Tickets Available!

We are pleased to announce that we have scheduled new upcoming webinars: Understanding the ECM with Erwin Pletsch Q2 Monetary Crisis Cycle Webinar with Erwin Pletsch  Advanced Training Webinar with Erwin Pletsch – Q2 2022  For more information, please click on the title of the webinar above that interests you. We look forward to welcoming […]

Gates & the Vaccine Crisis

  Bill Gates is not a doctor. He is not even a specialist in disease or history. He has been influenced by his father, and the two of them have been influenced by Thomas Malthus who advocated promoting the plague to reduce the population because it would one day run out of food. This seems […]

Yellen & Inflation

  QUESTION: Marty; I have been a follower for years. Your model has correctly forecasted every major trend from civil unrest to disease. But your forecast that this wave would be commodity inflation based on shortages years in advance, proves that you deserve the Noble Prize. Absolutely no analyst did that although many now pretend […]