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China now Forbids Use of Windows 8 – When Will Microsoft Divorce with the NSA?

China has outright forbid the use of Windows 8 on all government computers. The back-doors are way too dangerous. China is now following Germany. Hello Microsoft! Can you Hear Me Now? That is via Verizon of course so you should get this twice – one directly and the other from the NSA’s tap on Verizon.

Downs & Armstrong DIscusion From Capitol Hill May 5, 2014

 Topics – Republican Party Civil War & Protecting the Banks  

Why Will the Downturn 2015.75-2020.03 be Far Worse Than Before?

With each downturn in the Economic Confidence Model in this 51.6 year long-wave, the decline gets worse and the volatility rises. This is part of the process building until we reach the cataclysmic turned at the end 2032. The polls in Austria are very interesting for this has been a nation that historically represents the […]

The Rise of Shadow Banking & The Volcker Rule

The problem with those in government is simple – they are delusional. These people like to think they have power and the world kisses their feet. They assume if they write a law, it will be followed. But like Obamacare that required everyone must have maternity leave even if they were 60, the law-makers remain […]

Gold Turning Down

  I have stated NUMEROUS times that gold is neither the hedge against inflation nor does it rise all alone during hyperinflation when everything rises. The difference between gold and other investments such as real estate and stocks lies in its MOVABILITY. During hyperinflation, EVERYTHING rises so long as the nation survives aside from the […]

JP Morgan Cutting 17,000 Jobs – Banking Has Turned Down

We warned that the banks have turned the corner when their cycle finished last year. The NY Post has come out stating that being a banker is not so great anymore. When the ECM turns down 2015.75 into 2020, things for the banks are going to get a lot worse. They are hated perhaps even […]

Indefinite Detention Struck Down as Unconstitutional

Judge Katherine B. Forrest of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York issued a permanent injunction barring the government from relying on the defense authorization law to hold people in indefinite military detention on suspicion that they “substantially supported” Al Qaeda or its allies — at least if they had […]

Conversation Between Glen Downs & Armstrong

  Conversation between Glen Downs on Capital Hill & Martin Armstrong on the Cycles of War, Ukraine & its impact on the world. Part-I 12 minutes Part-II 13 minutes  

G20 to Coordinate to Hunt Down Taxes Worldwide

Government is simply brain-dead. They fail to grasp that government is indeed a PUBLIC SERVANT and by no means are they the inherent nation themselves. They do not ADD to the national wealth since they produce nothing – they are the consumers of all wealth. Yet governments worldwide see ALWAYS the people as the problem […]

Conversation between Glen Downs & Martin Armstrong