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Canadians Officially Pay More on Taxes Than Food

It’s official. Canadians now spend more on taxes than they do on food, housing, and clothing. Well, politicians have to eat first. Their kids have to be educated to rule their generation. The Fraser Institute has calculated that the average Canadian family now pays $34,154 in taxes in total, which includes all the “hidden” business taxes […]

Government Preparing for Worldwide Civil Unrest – Why?

A number of emails have come in asking if we are advising the government since they are now enlisting firms to research a rise in civil unrest. The answer is no! Nevertheless, everyone knows of the accuracy of our computer systems and our cycle of war models. It was the CIA that, after all, came […]

Is it Time for Revolution in Greece?

The Greek government is calling for full disclosure of ALL household wealth. The Greeks are to disclose everything they own — cash worldwide, jewelry, real estate, paintings, and furniture. The Greek government is totally insane and intends to exploit its population simply to remain in the euro without the simplest shred of evidence that such […]

The New Highs in US Share Market Are they the Prelude to a Crash?

Finally, the Dow made new highs in the face of constant calls for a crash. This past week, in a horse race we would call it a trifecta where the Dow Jones Industrials,  S&P 500,and  the NASDAQ all made new record highs.  This sent a bunch of analysts to look again and began to proclaim […]

If Everyone Followed Socrates Would Anything Change?

QUESTION: Hello, Mr. Armstrong. Some years back, I asked what would happen if everyone knew about the ECM. You provided an answer on your blog. Now, that the trader version of Socrates is soon to be made available for the public…: What happens to the trading community (market makers / service providers / traders) when you (through […]

Can Hillary Win?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Do you think that Hillary can win? And if so, what would happen? Thanks RP ANSWER: Our model is not unanimous for Trump. There is technically a 25% chance that Hillary could win, which one of our four models projects a Democratic victory. However, if you look at the mainstream channels from […]

Rating Agencies Downgrade 24 Counties

The three main credit rating agencies have been downgrading government debt at an alarming rate, which confirms our computer models, albeit a tad late. The first half of 2016 has seen more sovereign downgrades since the crash of 2009. The first six months of this year saw Moody’s downgrade 24 governments, Standard & Poor’s 16 governments, […]

The 2015.75 Crisis Moving into 2020.05

The world financial crisis that is unfolding post-2015.75 is different from that which followed the 2007.15 peak in the ECM. As stated countless times, each event is a crisis in a different sector. The 2007.15 crisis was the over-leverage in real estate that the bankers created. This time, we are looking at the demise of […]

The Sixth Wave

QUESTION: Marty; You do realize you correctly forecast the takeover boom and the reversal in trend in 1985 followed by the peak of Japan to the day and the fall of communism with your 1989.95 peak in the ECM. Then with 1998.55 you forecast the collapse of Russia and were named hedge fund manager of […]

Rebellions: Public v Private Waves

QUESTION: Sir, Pondering the patterns that you have found in history, I have been mulling over the crossroads that lie in front of us in the next few years. You noted that sovereign debt crises occur about every 86 years or so. You also noted that civil disturbance goes hand in hand with those events. […]