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If US Election Were Held today – Trump Would Get More Votes Polls Show

The latest polls show that most people who voted for Trump are satisfied. When the same questions have been asking about Hillary, the opposite response appears. The polls are actually showing that Trump would win a greater margin today than last year. This is interesting for it is confirming the collapse in government with Big […]

Trump’s Shift on Positions & the Rise of Kim Jong Un

QUESTION: Marty, you said Trump was wrong and China was not a currency manipulator and that Trump was following the same path as James Baker and the Plaza Accord. Everyone knows you are the guy countries run to in the middle of currency wars. Trump just changed his position on China dropping his claim about […]

Syria – Pipeline – How The Press Will Not Tell the Truth about Syria

With all the attacks upon Trump as having some covert connection with Putin to defeat Hillary when nothing hacked from the DNC was ever said to have been faked or altered, just released, one must wonder has this suddenly influenced Trump to attack Syria to prove he is not in league with Putin? If the […]

Obama’s Administration Spied on Trump PERIOD?

As evidence exposes that the Obama White House was spying on Trump, mainstream media is desperate to cover this up, but most importantly, this is feeding into the forecast of our model that we are looking and the decline and fall. Government is simply not trustworthy and as we see this affair will prove legally […]

Insurers sue Saudi Arabia for 9/11

Several major insurers have launched a new attempt to sue Saudi Arabia for 6 billion dollars for the September 11, 2001 attacks. One wonders had Hillary been elected and Saudi Arabia was a major contributor to the Clinton Foundation to support women and gay rights (outside of their own country), would this have taken place? […]

California’s Congresswoman Maxine Waters Calls for Trump Impeachment Because Putin Invaded Korea? The long list of reasons Maxine Waters says Trump should be impeached simply reflect why she is totally incapable of being anyone’s representative in Congress. She said that Putin supplied the bombs for Aleppo that killed children. First of all, that took place under Obama before the election, and it is plainly documented that […]

Does it Matter If You Are Born Outside USA to be President?

QUESTION: You said McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone and that raised the same question as Obama. In your legal view, was Obama qualified to be president or not? ANSWER: The Constitution does NOT say that someone must be born on US soil. It merely requires naturally born to be an American. “No […]

It’s Confirmed – Trump was Spied On During Transition

  This is a press conference in its entirety from the committee investigating everything. Yes, there was no “wiretap” of Trump Tower. As I reported previously, that is old-school. So while the New York Times and the Washington Post are desperate to cover everything up and focus only on that single word to claim Trump […]

Why Obamacare is the Biggest Fraud in American History & Was Designed to Be Exactly That!

When we look at the markets and try to ascertain the long-term direction, we must look at politics closely, for this holds the key. First, this is a Private Wave and that means the confidence in government is collapsing. Hence, the question for the direction of stocks, gold, interest rates, and the world economy, all […]

The Coming New Schism within the Catholic Church?

  Just when you though the chaos of the 2016 Elections in the States was unusual, we are witnessing the fragmentation of society at every level and around the globe. There is a trend toward the end of one of these Private Waves and that is the polarization of groups. Yes Democrats and Republicans always […]