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Global Unemployment

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, According to a survey done by an online HR/recruitment firm (link attached above), 1 in 5 of Malaysians lost their job due to MCO aka lockdown arising from the COVID. This is a stark contrast from what mainstream media reports or official numbers. It looks like things are getting ugly when reality sets in. […]

Market Talk – June 5, 2020

ASIA: China is considering using about USD 28 billion in proceeds from government bond sales to help address risks in the banking sector, according to people familiar with the matter told Bloomberg. The debt will be part of the total issuance planned by the central government in 2020, and it’ll be used for measures including […]

German Study of Scientists Against Coronavirus Hidden from the Public

German leaked of a document confirming that this entire Coronavirus scare is nonsense has surfaced. The government lied to the public and claimed it was just the opinion of one employee. The German press, like the rest of the lot, attacked the report for they love the scare tactics of the virus to try to […]

Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter – All Social Media is Being Manipulated by the Left

The media which everyone knows is now so biased and manipulated, has the audacity to claim that Trump’s new Executive Order threatens free speech. The problem is their view of “free” speech is to twist whatever they desire to fit their agenda. Here is CNN and how they manipulate statistics to put out fake stories. […]

Market Talk – May 29, 2020

ASIA: President Donald Trump launched a blistering attack on China on Friday, and announced a slew of retaliatory measures that will plunge US-China relations deeper into crisis. “They’ve ripped off the United States like no one has ever done before,” Trump said of China, as he decried the way Beijing has “raided our factories” and […]

Market Talk – May 27, 2020

ASIA: Tensions between China and India over their Himalayan border have escalated, with China accused of moving thousands of troops into disputed territory and expanding a military airbase in the region. An online news agency reported that thousands of Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) troops have moved into sensitive areas along the eastern Ladakh border. […]

Market Talk – May 26, 2020

ASIA: An internal Chinese report warns that China is facing a rising wake of hostility in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak that could tip relations with United States into a confrontation, people familiar with the matter told Reuters. State media reports say that Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday directed China’s armed forces to […]

Coronavirus & the Socialist Revolution – Available Now

This report goes into the logistics about this Coronavirus Pandemic and moves into the dangers it presents economically as well as the crisis we face in famine. These people think that they can simply crash the economy and rebuilt it from scratch as if that is a simple task. They risk creating a major economic […]

Coronavirus & Socialist Revolution

This report goes into the logistics about this Coronavirus Pandemic and moves into the dangers it presents economically as well as the crisis we face in famine. These people think that they can simply crash the economy and rebuilt it from scratch as if that is a simple task. They risk creating a major economic depression that we will not be able to escape for 13 years. At the very least, we are looking at a very strange set of circumstances that are coming together.

This report debunks the the claims of the virus and illustrates the end goal remains the same with the Climate Change agenda. We have published also the WHO report from 2019 which concluded that Social Distancing was ineffective. So why impose something they know did not work shutting down the world economy on a theory with no historical support? We have also included the differences between a epidemic and a pandemic including the inevitable second wave as with the Spanish flu they will use to try to influence the elections come November.

Nevertheless, they have indeed set in motion the danger of a Dark Age for this report goes into detail the historical Reoccurrence of the Sixth Wave when civilization collapses. We have published for the first time the 309.6 year Sixth Wave sequence back to 4154BC to get a sense how civilization has dealt with such events throughout time.

This report dives into the historical risk of famine which has also been put in motion by the lockdowns and it deals with the New Green World Order.


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Market Talk – May 20, 2020

ASIA: China has expressed its “strong indignation” after the US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, sent a message hailing the re-elected Taiwanese president’s “courage and vision” to be read at her inauguration ceremony. China’s foreign ministry said Pompeo’s act had severely damaged peace and stability in the strait between Taiwan and China. It warned it […]