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Gordian III Æ Sestertii

A lot a people wanted a bronze Roman Sestertius. We sold out of all the issues. The only one I had more of was those of Gordian III. This was an interesting emperor for Gordian III is where we find the last silver denarius to be issued in any quantity. Following his assassination, the dominant […]

Global Warming Enthusiasts are really believers of the Malthusian Trap – Modern Witch Doctor Analysis

COMMENT: Dear Martin, You have pointed out several times that the agenda behind the global warming crowd is, besides taxes, also the reduction of the global population. Initially, I had difficulties believing in this “crazy conspiracy theory”, but I start to believe you could be right. Where I live, The Netherlands, the brainwashing machine to convince […]

Do Coins Reveal the Futility of our Times?

The study of coins, numismatics, has constantly expanded our knowledge of antiquity in recent decades through new discoveries which have proven so many old theories wrong and turned academics on their head when it comes to their theories. Without the consideration of the coins, many questions of ancient history would never be answered. Nevertheless, many […]

New Variety in the Athenian Owls

  The hoard of Athenian Owl tetradrachms has revealed something incredibly important. The seminal work of Chester Starr (Athenian Coinage) identified five groups of designs covering the period 480-407BC. While Starr examined known coins in museums and collections, he did show photographs and attributed them to a declining quality of execution based upon the fact that […]

The LEI is the Means to an End to in the Hunt for Global Taxation

  QUESTION: Hi Marty, I wanted to ask you if you know anything about the LEI (legal entity identifier) that brokers are now requesting from clients who trade forex and other derivatives and who have accounts under a business structure? I recently opened a trading account under a business structure (company/trust) and was only told yesterday […]

Ancient Coin Hoards for the Holidays

Those interested in some ancient coins for the holidays, here are some of the hoards we have. These have been used as part of our study for the reconstruction of the World Economy.  We have a unique selection of ancient Greek and Roman coins available for the Holidays. Download the catalog for there are coins from […]

Coin Hoards for the Holidays

We have a unique selection of ancient Greek and Roman coins available for the Holidays. Download the catalog for there are coins from $25 each and up. This also includes Biblical Widow Mites as described in the Synoptic Gospels (Mark 12:41-44, Luke 21:1-4). These are coins that have been used in researching the Monetary History of the […]

Rising 3rd Party Trend

Although the recounts have been going on, the Republicans still seem to be winning both governorships and the Senate. The Blue Wave fizzled out and their victory in the House still produced fewer seats than they held before. That FOX poll that reported 46% of Republicans identified with Trump rather than the GOP clearly shows that […]

The Fate of Germany v Euro – The Export Economic Model Risks

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I watched the new documentary on your solution. I really want to thank you for everything you do and for free. It is so nice to see someone who actually gives back and has no personal agenda to enrich themselves. My question is this. You mentioned the reason why the United States […]

Spanish Prosecutor Demand 25 Years in Prison for Catalonia Politicians for Advocating Independence

The Spanish prosecutor wants to send the politicians of the Catalan independence movement to prison for 25 years. The prosecutor has demanded that the former Deputy Regional President Oriol Junqueras should effectively die in prison. The absurdity of what is going on in Spain reflects that there is no democracy still standing. Dictatorships always call treason […]