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What Kind of Civil Unrest Are We Looking At?

COMMENT #1: There is civil unrest in America, there is no civil unrest in Europe, nothing, zero. You are just so patriotic that it is always America up, Europe down, biased scumbags. PL REPLY #1: The civil unrest our computer is forecasting is global and not limited to the United States. In case you have […]

The Threat to Gold

QUESTION:  In regards to your last post about Bitcoin and your comment that there may be a “threat regarding gold”, as well. What kind of threat do you think? If you own precious metals as a store of value and assume at some point you may need to use it to pay for things, they […]

Biden’s Best Speech Ever Reveal the Gates Agenda

Joe Biden delivered a very good speech. He read his script well and painted Trump as a white-supremacist. But the concerning element is he promised to create millions of jobs rebuilding the economy GREEN and raising the taxes again what Trump reduced to “pay for it” as if the government ever pays for anything. The […]

Panic in Real Estate

COMMENT: I live in central West Texas, I am passing on to you the fact that there is a “rush” of sales in rural property’s. Houses with small amounts of land attached are “flying off of the shelves” so to speak. This is occurring throughout all of West Texas and in the Panhandle. The effort […]

Solution – Legal Battle Against Socialism

We are in need of a qualified lawyer prepared to file a lawsuit against Progressive Taxation as a denial of Due Process and Equal Protection of the law. For centuries, people have debated whether the wealthy should pay more taxes on a percentage basis than everyone else and what even constitutes the wealthy. The definition […]

I Strongly Urge Readers to Leave California, New Jersey, Illinois, Connecticut, & New York

California is looking to impose a Wealth Tax as Elizabeth Waren had proposed which is Piketty’s idea which is supported by Schwab’s World Economic Forum in Davos. This will be on worldwide property – not income. The tax rate annually will be 0.4%. Even if you lose the money you will be taxed every year […]

Markets, the Future & This Craziness

It is impossible to forecast the markets without this political war that is taking place and the organized Great Reset. People have asked what about the extreme Republicans? It is very hard to find the middle ground any more. Both parties have their middle and those in the Democrats I speak too are equally concerned […]

Should The US Invade Melbourne Australia to Restore Human Rights Like Iraq?   How will the markets handle what lies ahead is very interesting. Historically capital will ALWAYS flee from tyranny. The markets may appear to be disconnected, but they are clearly beginning to weight the changing tide of freedom which is so essential to how and why we invest our capital. Governments have violated the […]

Market Talk – August 10, 2020

  ASIA: China said on Monday it has imposed sanctions on 11 Americans, including six US lawmakers, for “behaving badly on Hong Kong-related issues.” The US on Friday sanctioned Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam as well as 10 other Chinese and Hong Kong officials for their role in crackdowns on political freedom in the […]

Trump & Abolishing the Income Tax

COMMENT: No matter what you deny, you are advising Trump. He quotes you often and now he is taking your position that taxes are irrelevant and should be abolished. He has also said that he would create a permanent tax holiday for those earning less than $100,000 if he is reelected. Stop denying this. GG […]