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European View – Switzerland v USA

QUESTION: Hello, One question: will a European’s money and shares held in Switzerland be safe from the IMF European bank bailout proposal? Thanks KR ANSWER: Switzerland has two risks. First, it has the biggest stockpile of euros of any central bank because it was trying to hold down the franc. It stands to lose big […]

Advice to Europe – Part II

The big money has been buying Art, Real Estate, and ancient coins that are an international market. If you cannot get stock that is liquid, you need other “movable” assets be it coins or diamonds. Real Estate is not really movable. Fine Art has jumped more than 25% on the top end. Even retail sales […]

Advice to Europe

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Happy New Year 2014. Please keep up the fantastic work you are doing for all of us! It is a blessing that there are people like you, when in Europe we are cursed with hopeless politicians as Hollande and a Marxist IMF boss. One question, you wrote the following in one of […]

Europe Cultural Fault Lines

QUESTION: Does Europe have the same cultural differences that the United States has between regions? ANSWER: Absolutely. This is part of the problem that we face for as the economy gets worse, those cultural differences will be the source of political unrest and fragmentation. If you look at the nations of the former Soviet Union, […]

Merry Christmas To All – Even those in Europe Who Sent This


Will Stocks Be Exempt from the IMF 10% Taking in Europe

QUESTION:  Buenos días Señor Armstrong, Gracias por la información del Blog, y la visión de la economía. Mi pregunta como ciudadano de un país europeo, España, como se publico en distintos medios europeos el proyecto que tiene el FMI de robar de los depósitos en bancos a todos los ciudadanos de los países con problemas […]

Euro & Its Rise with Deflation

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, You have not reported on the sinking Dollar for a while. Is this just one of the phases of competitive devaluation between the majors  with the US selling  or is it China liquidating.  With the Euro in a mess, the Swiss banks cracking and the $ falling where is the sense of it all and […]

Middle East Backs Dollar Not Euro For New Currency

The Middle East is planning to form their own monetary union with a single currency pegged to the dollar – not the euro.The states of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait are planning a new single currency as members of the Gulf Cooperation Council.The new currency will be pegged to the U.S. dollar rejecting the […]

Federalizing Europe

The Euro-savior Wolfgang Schäuble and Jean-Claude Juncker could soon be the most important bank directors in Europe. They want a Superbank that has the last word over all of Europe and direct access to taxes if there is a crash. This is the very place they said the Euro would not go. It was why […]

Chinese Yuan Passes Euro as #2 Currency for Trade

The Chinese yuan data is now in and the October numbers from the Swift system show that the yuan, which in January 2012 held only 1.89% of trade transactions, jumped to 8.66% surpassing the Euro, which has fallen to just 6.64% of Swift transactions. In January 2012, the Euro held 7.87% of Swift transactions. These […]