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Scotland Votes NO

William Wallace Well it is not looking good at all for the independent camp. William Wallace would be ashamed to say the least. This of course will doom Scotland along with Europe and we will see civil unrest there when the economy turns down and the YES will blame the NO camp. So far only […]


QUESTION: Martin, I am wondering if today we get a great shock in my homeland. Throughout the last couple months of this campaign, the UK government has conducted a fear and smear campaign to sway the democratic process. Media such as the The Telegraph and Bbc have been guilty of clear bias. I was reminded […]

The Scare Tactics Against Scotland

In response many questions coming in from Scotland about the negative campaign against Independence, let’s make a few things clear. The predictions that the stock market will crash if the currency declines is nonsense. The stock market rises when a currency declines and declines when a currency becomes excessively overvalued as during the Great Depression. […]

Ukraine Still Mad At Politicians

We still have people who try to claim the entire Ukrainian revolution was a CIA plot. They still disrespect the people of Ukraine and diminish their outrage at corrupt government. Just because the West has stuck their favorite sons in government, this does not sit well with the people. They are quiet mostly for now […]

What Will Be Worse This Time Around?

QUESTION: Dear Marty, I’ve attended several of your conferences, and thank you very much for all you do. You’ve said that the next decline is going to be far worse than the last one.  Intensity and volatility is building.  By that statement, do you mean both the US economy and the US stock markets may […]

Scottish Vote

The Scottish vote will be very important from the perspective that this will shake up the entire concept behind Brussels if they vote YES. Throughout Europe, the same civil unrest is rising as discontent every where.. Even if the vote is “NO” and the people accept that they are incapable of self-rule as second-rate citizens, […]

Edinburgh 1997 Seminar Transcript

  A client sent in a transcript of our April 29, 1997 presentation there in Edinburgh. This is interesting for it is discussing the formation of the Euro that was going on. It was at our London 1997 World Economic Conference that the European Commission attended.

Edinburgh Seminar April 29, 1997 Transcript

  Princeton Economics International, Ltd. Edinburgh Transcript April 29, 1997     I would like to begin today with a brief overview as to how we at Princeton look at markets. For those of you who attended last year’s conference I will try to be as brief as possible.   Effectively, our models are based […]

Crude Oil Collapses – Plot Against Russia or Economics?

The global demand for oil is declining as the United States moves toward self-sufficiency and is the only nation still in a positive economic trend. Everywhere else we see the global economy turning down since 2007 including China and Russia no less Europe. But the level of pessimism in the USA does not imply a […]

The Turning POINT – Week of 09/15/2014

  This week of the Scottish Vote has been targeted by our computer as a turning point. If we see a “YES” vote, this will set in motion various separatist movements throughout Europe. Keep in mind that this will be important for setting the overall confidence level within Europe. We could even see gold start […]