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Why is it so Hard for the West to See That Everything is Connected?

QUESTION: Marty, you have written many times how everything is connected and how in Asian culture that is the foundation of all understanding. Why is it so hard in the West to comprehend this fundamental concept? All the best GD ANSWER: I think it is all part of the idea that we can alter society […]

India & New Highs

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; It is wonderful that you have come to India. I only regret that you are not conducting an open conference here in Mumbai. I appreciate that your trip is only to visit the biggest institutions here in India and that is great that they receive you to help our country. I wanted […]

China & the Dollar

The dollar rally and the devaluation of the yuan is not a fluke and it most certainly is not a one-time event. The dollar declined against the yuan for 19 years during the same timing that saw gold decline from 1980 to 1999. The major low on an annual closing basis at 2013 and 2014 was an outside reversal […]

INFLATION – Multi-Dimensional Confusion

The old idea that inflation is created by an increase in money supply has distorted the minds of many people. Inflation is caused by numerous factors for it is not a one-dimensional aspect. For example, the current bird flu has rendered half of the egg production to be worthless, which has sent egg prices soaring. This has nothing […]

Hello from Mumbai/Bombay

I received a lot of emails after announcing that I would be in India this coming week. Here I am, updating from Mumbai, which was Bombay up until 1995. Mumbai is the 9th largest city in the world and home of the most expensive house in the world, located right here in the heart town. Mumbai […]

Would Bill Be a Sexy First Lady?

Our computer says that Bill Clinton will not get to dress up for White House Parties — what a shame. He would have been one of the sexier/flirtier First Ladies we’ve had in a long time. The election cycle for 2016 seems to be another forecast that the computer has been spot-on about. We will see […]

Brain Chip Implants

Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) are developing computer chips to implant in the human brain for the purpose of data collection. President Obama began the BRAIN Initiative (Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies) in 2013 to begin developing these intrusive devices. They claim the chip will be so small that people will not even notice it. Well, […]

Market Talk – August 5, 2015

With the exception of the bond sell-off yesterday, the markets behaved reasonably well – even in thin summer trading. This comes after Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta President Dennis Lockhart’s comments that the Fed is poised to raise rates. Today, we saw a mixed Asian session for equities with both the Nikkei and HSI ending with small gains (+0.45%) whilst the […]

France Paying Informants to Confiscate Wealth

French customs officials received a tip that lead to the confiscation of a rare painting. The Guardian reported that French customs officers boarded a yacht docked off the town of Calvi in northern Corsica. They knew precisely what they were looking for: a €25 million Picasso belonging to a member of a Spanish banking dynasty. The Roman […]

EU Downgraded to NEGATIVE by Standard & Poor’s

Standard & Poor’s 500 Index has lowered the credit outlook for the EU as a whole to NEGATIVE. SPIEGEL Online reported, in addition to the new aid for Greece, one of the reasons for the negative rating includes the investment plan by President Juncker to spend more money. No one comprehends that increasing tax enforcement and raising taxes is not […]