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Karl Marx Speech in Amsterdam September 8th, 1872

La Liberté Speech Speech: delivered by Karl Marx on September 8, 1872, in Amsterdam; Source: K. Marx and F. Engels, On Britain, Foreign Languages Press, Moscow, 1962; Printed: September 15, 1872, in La Liberte. Also printed in Dutch, Belgian and German papers. In the 18th century, the kings and the potentates were in the habit […]

The London Property Market is Crashing

British politicians have just made the same stupid mistake as the American Democrats who created the S&L Crisis of the 1980s. In the U.S., they were greedy and changed the tax status on real estate to increase taxes. They created a one-way market of all sellers. British Conservatives have just done the same thing, sending […]

Discovery vs. Theory

QUESTION:  Hi Martin, Since one year now I follow your blog and I see most things unfolding exactly as you describe. Although I do not agree with all points (climate change) I understand that personal opinion is not what will save us. Your computer and your comments give people insight in the mechanisms of how […]

Market Talk

The bond markets were the talk of the city today in London with continued uncertainty putting a bid under the street. Bunds were up over one and half points in early trade and although peripherals followed (BTP’s +70 cents) the gap just increased. Ten year Treasuries in late trading hit 2.20% — despite printing 2.31 in early Asia. […]

Greece’s First Mistake

Yanis Varoufakis, Greece’s finance minister, quit because he personally clashed with other finance ministers, whom are clueless. I have listened to Varoufakis articulate the problem through his political assessment. Varoufakis is very smart and has at least a global view. Moreover, he is resigning for what he thinks is the good of his country. Not […]

Rigging the Greek Elections

A lot of younger Greek citizens who would vote NO cannot for to vote they must return to their hometown. So many cannot vote because they are lucky enough to be working or through necessity are living abroad and are not able to return to their homes. This is one regulation to prevent the NO vote from materializing. There […]

Cashless Society Coming to Germany

The North Rhine-Westphalian Minister of Finance Norbert Walter-Borjans (SPD) has called for an upper limit for paying with cash amounting to €3000. The justification is to end crime and tax evasion. Germany is not introducing the €1000 limit as in France and Italy, but they are getting their foot in the door. Once you convince people to accept […]

Cycle of War & Obama’s New War Doctrine

When people heard for the first time that we had developed a Cycle of War that pinpointed the start of World War I and II, as well as the Vietnam War, among many others, many assumed it was hype. Our long-term clients know better: we never sell hype nor do we exaggerate things to sell anything. We […]

Russia – You Cannot Leave if You Owe Money

In the USA, they can revoke your passport if you owe the government $50,000 or more. Russia seems to be adopting a similar tactic. More than six million Russians could be deterred from their vacation plans this summer as they may be restrained for having unpaid private debt. Anyone who owes more than 10,000 rubles […]

The Generational Divide in Greek Referendum

We find the same situation in Greece that we saw in Scotland. The vote is divided by generation. The youth hate the Troika and want to leave Europe for they see no future. The elderly listen to radio all day long and will vote YES to preserve their pensions. The youth are forced to leave […]