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Real Estate in Decline

Real Estate is in crash mode. London and Hong Kong look the worst after both were off 15%+ in the first month of the turn from September 30, 2015. The Miami market has been flooded with money from South America whereas New York has been the target for Asia and Europe. The U.S. market is […]

Canada Selling Part of Its Gold Reserves

Governments everywhere are going broke. Despite what people think, gold may yet make new record lows under $1,000 in the months ahead. Canada has sold off a piece of its gold reserve into this rally. There is NO intention of returning to a gold standard. They are moving fully electronic and intend to eliminate cash everywhere. […]

Minneapolis Fed President Says Break Up the Banks to Reverse Clinton Era

  As of January 31, Hillary has raised $163.5 million, which is more than any of the other presidential candidates. The question that comes to mind is why would the big banks back Hillary when she pretends to be willing to curb their abuse? The answer lies in what she said at her Goldman Sachs speeches. […]

Will They Confiscate Gold Again?

QUESTION: Hello Marty, Is it your belief that they will (again) try to confiscate gold bullion coins when the going gets rough? If so, is there an alternative that you would recommend? Many thanks for you great work. k ANSWER:I do not believe they will confiscate gold for there is no intention to return to a […]

Market Update — February 17, 2016

  The U.S. stock market closed more than 1.5% up on Wednesday after posting a three-day gain that was helped by some recovery in oil prices and encouraging economic data. We now need to move higher beyond a three-day rally to suggest this is more than a reaction. The markets are clearly shifting. Gold managed […]

Larry Summers Calls to End $100 Billis — Here Comes the Totalitarian State

  Larry Summers, the father of NEGATIVE INTEREST RATES, is so against a free society and looks upon us as dumb cattle to be herded and corralled for his pleasure. His ideas are just beyond belief. Now Mr. Pro-Government-Anti-Democracy is advocating killing the $100 bill. He is moving to electronic money so that government can get all […]

Bitcoin Reality

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong : Since you have deep knowledge about coins and currencies going back to ancient times, it would be really helpful to get your view of what Bitcoin is or could be as a sort of “World Currency”. Is it a fad or something that should be taken seriously? Thank you – BH ANSWER: No, […]

Gold: What Now? February 16, 2016

QUESTION:  Hello Martin Today it seemed as if you posted a basically bearish Euro call and a temporary bullish Gold call. I understand that a crisis in the Euro could get people to buy gold but in the long term if the Euro falls to 80 Cents, Gold in Dollar terms would drop to the […]

Who Creates Social Inequality?

QUESTION: Dear Martin Armstrong, I appreciate very much your economic analysis and read your blog nearly daily although I disagree with some of your political statements. In your last blog about Schengen you mention that “Everything is connected and nothing takes place in some isolated vacuum”.  Obvious. According to me, and many others re-known economists […]

Market Talk — February 16, 2016

Despite weaker than expected Chinese Trade Balance stocks actually performed well on the back of PBOC rhetoric concerning the currency, taking it to its strongest level against the USD in almost a year (6.4935). It has however, weakened since China close and the off-shore was last seen in NY at 6.5200. Shanghai closed +3.3%, Hang […]