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Happy Revolution Day – the Rebellion Against the Monarchy

The 4th of July was indeed a major event for it set in motion the rebellion against a corrupt form of government (then known as monarchy) which was dominated by unelected bureaucrats. The American Revolution set off a contagion that manifested in Europe with the French Revolution beginning on the July 14, 1789. The first inauguration of George […]

Russia Reinterprets the Legality of the Break up of the Soviet Union

Crafting laws where you can check-in but never leave seems to be what’s good for Europe, and Russia has taken note. This is the problem with law. It can be reinterpreted constantly and twisted on the head-of-a-pin to mean whatever needs to accomplish at the moment. Now in Russia, the chief prosecutor’s office is examining […]

IMF Numbers Warn the Troika Has Destroyed the Greek Economy

The IMF on Thursday issued its own analysis on the Greek economy. The new debt forecast numbers have been raised in recent months and while the IMF analysis is never on point (way too optimistic), this tends to make the new number even more shocking. The entire idea of lending more and more money and […]

Market Talk

Greece was not the main headline today, to no surprise. Obviously, it’s still all over the media, but the markets had the Non-Farm Payroll (NFP) to contend with instead. Not such a shocker at 223k (rate 5.3%) but the revisions (down 60k, putting April 187 and May 254) were mildly interesting.  Also, a point to note […]

Troika – the Great Destroyer

The idea of creating one unified European government to prevent European wars has grown out of a lesson learned from the disaster of World War II and German Nazi dictatorship. The Nazi movement wanted to rule Europe in part as retribution for the oppression of the German people following World War I, with the harsh […]

Letter from Tsipras to the Troika

Here is the Letter from Greece to the Troika The letter, written by Alexis Tsipras, is addressed to Jean Claude Juncker, Mario Draghi, and Christine Lagarde. Greek-Letter-6-30-2015

Greece Surrenders its Sovereignty to Brussels

The Syriza government is backing down after the realization that Brussels will declare economic war on Greece by deliberately trying to plunge the country into total ruin, far worse than the sanctions imposed on Russia. This is a sad day for the entire world. It is a terrible example that the Troika is the new […]

World Economic Conference in Berlin November 27-28

The Berlin conference will differ from that of Princeton from the standpoint that the questions posed by the audience will tend to be focused more upon Europe and the prospects for the survival of the EU itself. There will be a number of people attending from Britain as well, so we will undoubtedly have a number […]

Understanding Trading

The most fundamental truth about trading is that your opponent is YOURSELF. The majority must be wrong because they are the fuel that propels the market. The market enters a flash-type crash when the vast majority is LONG and they try to sell but there is no bid. Far too many people demonize trading such as “paper gold”, arguing that it is […]

EU Finance Ministers Change Their Minds Because of a Greek Referendum

The EU Finance Ministers have been lying to the public for so long that they believe their own propaganda. The German press has called them for what they are — hopeless fools who “…are totally overwhelmed and compensate for this condition with a good dose of arrogance. But the whistling in the dark is detected […]