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Australia Is Hunting for People Who Use Business Cars to Go to Sports Games

COMMENT: Hi Marty, I have followed your work for more than 7 years now and it is fair to say that you have opened my eyes and mind to how the world and global economy really functions. This morning on my way to work I read an article in a major newspaper here in Melbourne […]

Is There Something More Important Than Money?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You were named hedge fund manager of the year with the most amazing public track record which nobody has ever come close to matching. You have been named Analyst of the Year. I spoke to people in Australia where you managed a public fund for Deutsche Bank. They said if you would […]

Market Talk – February 12, 2016

The Nikkei re-opened after yesterday’s public holiday but again was sold from the open. The key banks suffered yet more liquidations eventually closing Mitsubishi UFJ -2.3%, SMFG -4.1%, Mizuho -3.7% and the main Nobel House (Nomura) was down 9.2%. Exporters also suffered Toyota, Nissan and Sharp all down between 6 and 10%. The Nikkei closed […]

Gold: Here We Go Again?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong. Are you calling this rally in gold a false move? What does it take to get you bullish? Will you ever be bullish? ANSWER: When all markets line up and display that there is a trend in motion, which is then definitive, I will clearly state so. Gold has performed in a typical […]

Britain Seizing Pension Funds?

  I have been warning that Chancellor George Osborne is probably going to go down in history as the man who destroys what is left of the British empire. He has done everything wrong. Seizing pension funds to be invested by his decree is up there with Argentina’s standards. Osborne is currently putting in place […]

Opening Numbers for February 12, 2016

Our Opening Pivot Point for gold tomorrow is still above the market coming in as 1272.40 while the Dow lies at 15497.74. In the euro, it rests at 1.1381. Keep in mind this current trend can continue into Monday. So watch the 1309 level for gold; 15370 was last year’s low in the Dow with key […]

Market Talk – February 11, 2016

It must feel like there is no end in sight for the Japanese stock decline as futures continued their decline despite the cash being closed for a public holiday. We did see the return of the Hang Seng with a -3.8% decline after celebrating the Lunar New Year. Again, oil was the top “excuse” having seen […]

The Postponement – Slingshot Move

QUESTION: Marty, at the Conference you said we could conclude this in the first quarter if we get the alignment. It does not look like we will get the alignment since gold is up and the Dow is down. This is why you have been saying this looked like it was postponing into 2017? ANSWER: […]

Beware of the Emotional Expectation

TIP #1: The number one reason people lose money is because their opinion moves with the trend. They see gold up and assume it will never end or the Dow down and the end of the world is here. This is part of the Slingshot Move. We must move to extremes in all markets and […]

Gold & the February Crisis: The Prelude to Chaos

Gold has blown through the daily channel resistance so there is a gap on our reversals between 1209 and 1309. Gold should now press higher to fill that gap. The low came on the first benchmark right on target at 1045 ($1 from our number at 1044) and was 51.6 months from the 2011 high. […]